Page 22 - Research & Innovation Report 2020
P. 22


                                #Activist connexions

                                           in the CWGS

            Students and postgraduates at Nelson Mandela University play a central role in the CWGS,
            advocating for the advancement of gender equality and anti-gender-based violence in higher
            education and society. Three of the student drivers in the CWGS are featured here.

            Nangamso Nxumalo                                  of  Intlambuluko (spiritually  cleansing). South African historian,
                                                              academic and educator Dr Nomathamsanqa Tisani explains in her
            Final year BCom Law, Nelson Mandela               work how this process is performed with the intention of healing
            University and Operations Intern, DHL Express     the body and making whole the inner person.
            sub-Saharan Africa
                                                              I believe the traumatic experiences of women in this country need
            I am interested in the economics of gender, in particular women   interventions that go beyond theories: practical interventions that
            and class. I draw on economic and legal analysis tools to research   are grounded in the ethnographical study of the Eastern Cape girl
            how women in the informal sector organise themselves, and how   child. Research must start at home with the people at home.
            the developmental objectives of urban and rural women in the
                                  Eastern Cape, and across the   Nobubele Phuza
                                  African continent, differ in terms
                                  of the communities in which they   Sociology PhD student, Nelson Mandela University
                                  live. Ultimately, I want to use my
                                  degree(s) to contribute to policy   My doctoral study focuses on the mechanism and architecture
                                  that is appropriate to the informal   of protests related to gender and sexual justice in South African
                                  sector, as this is where the majority   universities. It traces the divergence of #RUReferenceList,
                                  of people in our country are   #RapeAtAzania and #IAmOneInThree, as the most notable
                                  situated.                   components of the #EndRapeCulture campaign, from the historical
                                                              Silent Protest, motherist movements and androcentric #FeesMustFall
            Nomtha Menye                                      movement. I want women’s resistance to be taken seriously, on the
                                                              ground and in the academic field.
            Sociology Master’s student, Nelson Mandela
            University                                                               Like every other woman, I feel
                                                                                     suffocated by the requirements of
                                  My master’s thesis is grounded in                  conformity  to  socially  acceptable
                                  exploring the spiritual significance               femininity. I am glad to have
                                  of water amongst the amaXhosa. I                   spaces like the sports field which
                                  was born and bred in the Eastern                   allow me to walk that line of
                                  Cape province, and at least once                   athleticism  which  is  neither
                                  a  year we  used  sea water  and                   masculine nor feminine. It would
                                  sacred rivers such as the  Isinuka                 be great to have that feeling spill
                                  springs in Port St Johns as sites                  over into everyday life.

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