Page 4 - Transformation Indaba Report
P. 4
Acronyms & AbbreviAtions v
IntroductIon 1
dAy 1 2
overview 3
officiAl opening & welcome 3
presentAtion 1: trAnsformAtion bArometer And the mAndelA University frAmework 5
presentAtion 2: the stAte of trAnsformAtion in the soUth AfricAn higher edUcAtion sector – post-soUdien report 9
QUestion & Answer session 17
presentAtion 3: nelson mAndelA University trAnsformAtion report 2018-2020 – overview of goAls 19
breAkAwAy rooms 24
room 1: cUrricUlUm trAnsformAtion; broAdening Access; stUdent sUccess 24
room 2: holistic stUdent sUpport – AcAdemic; stUdent leAdership And development; sport, AccommodAtion, trAnsport, nUtrition,
disAbilities, heAlth And sAfety 29
room 3: internAtionAlisAtion; pg Access And sUccess ; reseArch pArtnerships ; cApAcity-development opportUnities 32
room 4: employment eQUity; professoriAte/AssociAte professoriAte profile; promotions; cApAcity development progrAmmes 35
room 5: inclUsive institUtionAl cUltUre; vAlUes Adherence; progrAmmAtic interventions; conseQUence mAnAgement 39
room 6: sUstAinAble resoUrce stewArdship And mobilisAtion; ict-enAbled enhAncements And relAted cost sAvings; Asset mAnAgement;
risk mAnAgement; governAnce; AccoUntAbility 45
dAy 2 49
welcome & golden threAds from dAy 1 50
pAnel discUssion 1: monitoring, reporting And evAlUAtion of the itp implementAtion in the higher edUcAtion sector 51
pAnel discUssion 2: mAndelA identity in the context of University trAnsf ormAtion 52
presentAtion 1: institUtionAl trAnsformAtion plAn - Alignment with vision 2030 54
breAkAwAy rooms 57
room 1: cUrricUlUm trAnsformAtion; stUdent Access And sUccess 57
room 2: holistic stUdent sUpp ort – AcAdemic; stUdent leAdership And development; sport, AccommodAtion, trAnsport, nUtrition,
disAbilities, heAlth, And sAfety 59
room 3: internAtionAlisAtion; pg Access And sUccess ; reseArch pArtnerships; cApAcity-development opportUnities 62
room 4: employment eQUity; professoriAte/AssociAte professoriAte profile; promotions; cApAcity development progrAmmes 64
room 5: inclUsive institUtionAl cUltUre; vAlUes Adherence; progrAmmAtic interventions; conseQUence mAnAgement 66
room 6: sUstAinAble resoUrce stewArdship And mobilisAtion; ict-enAbled enhAncements And relAted cost sAvings; Asset
mAnAgement; risk mAnAgement; governAnce; AccoUntAbility 69
six overArching AreAs 70
closUre 71
emerging themes from the indAbA 71
Annexure A: stAtement of commItment to In InclusIve InstItutIonAl culture 72
Annexure B: unIversIty strAtegIc AreAs And grAduAte AttrIButes 73
Annexure c: A trAnsformAtIon BArometer for south AfrIcAn hIgher educAtIon 74