Page 34 - Transformation Report 2023
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              The occurrence of depression remains similar, with an   grounds. Additionally, a collaborative engagement with                          ENSURE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMMES AND MEASURES
              alarming increase in support of psychiatric disorders in   CANRAD culminated in the Human Race to celebrate Hu-                         DESIGNED TO ACCELERATE FOCUSED RECRUITMENT, CAPACITY
              2023, relative to 2022. The number of students who re-  man Rights Day, demonstrating the position of Mandela                           DEVELOPMENT, GREATER REPRESENTATION AND RETENTION OF
              ported suicide ideation remained relatively the same for   University regarding the value of sport in advancing social                  DESIGNATED AND UNDER-REPRESENTED GROUPS IN THE ACADEMIC
              2022 and 2023.                                   justice and human dignity.
                                                                                                                                                      WORKFORCE, ESPECIALLY SENIOR ACADEMIC POSITIONS
              The top two issues for which students sought support   The campus leagues were rolled out in collaboration with
              remained  similar  for  2022  and  2023.  However,  students   Student Housing in response to cultivating student com-  This goal should be read in conjunction with Goal 8,   dian). Table 19 shows that the number of academic em-
              were also clearly struggling with depression during 2023,   munity and social cohesion.                                which is linked to implementing the employment equity   ployees increased from 719 in 2022 to 723 in 2023, with an
              which corresponds with the number of students who re-                                                                  plan and targets.                                improvement in the proportion of Black academics, from
              ceived support for this condition.               Employees were engaged in various sporting codes over                                                                  57% in 2022 to 59% in 2023. This proportion of White em-
                                                               the past two years and earned membership of the Univer-                                                                ployees appointed as academics, 41%, differs significant-
              The launch of the Alumni-in-Action@Mandela Initiative in   sity Staff Sports Association (USSA). Mandela University                Workforce Profile                    ly from the proportion of White employees in the total
              March 2023 has expanded the provision of advanced psy-  participated in the USSA Tournament held in Cape Town                                                           workforce, 23%. The efforts to diversify the academy, as
              chosocial support to GBV survivors, with up to eight ses-  from 05 – 06 October 2023. USSA continues to play a key                                                      outlined below, will hopefully result in a more represen-
              sions being provided by professionals with the relevant   role in promoting employee wellness.                                                                          tative  profile  of  academics.  Besides  the  interventions
              GBV-trauma clinical experience. This is a much-needed                                                                  Table 18 provides an overview of the demographic profile   outlined below, the natural attrition of staff from the Uni-
              resource for students who require extensive counselling,   Arts, Culture and Heritage                                  of the permanently appointed Academic and Profession-  versity, via retirements, will provide further opportunities
              but do not have access to medical aid benefits.                                                                        al, Administrative and Support Services (PASS) employ-  to diversify the workforce profile, particularly at associate
                                                                                                                                     ees, showing a negligible decrease from 2 577 in 2022 to
                                                               A draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy was devel-                2 565 in 2023. Females comprise 59% of the employee   professor and full professor levels. The retirement projec-
              Madibaz Sports                                   oped in 2023 and due to be submitted to the Arts, Cul-                complement, and employees with disabilities constitute   tions  for academics between 2023 and 2028 amount to
                                                               ture  and  Heritage  Committee  (ACHC)  for  review  and              3%.  The  number  of  international  employees  shows  an   72, of which 14 and 24 will be at associate professor and
              Madibaz Sport serves as an instrument for social cohe-  consultation in 2024. The strategy integrates interaction      upward trend from 56 in 2022 to 60 in 2023. The profile   full professor levels, respectively. Retirement projections
              sion,  where  students  participate  in  different  sporting   and  experience  design  with  allied  and  complementary   according to population groups shows that the majority,   for PASS amount to 178 over the same period, with 122 at
              codes. Approximately 5 000 students participate in recre-  elements such as space, infrastructure management and       56%, of employees, are Black (African, Coloured and In-  P10 to 17 levels, 42 at P7 to 9 levels, 13 at P5 to 6 levels.
              ational and/or competitive sport, which nurtures diverse   digitalisation of artefacts. Implementation of the strategy
              student talents.                                 will require that new infrastructure projects undertaken,
                                                               and/or revamping of existing infrastructure by the ISSO,
              When hosting events, Madibaz Sport drives transforma-  intentionally incorporates design elements to enable
              tive messages that contribute to fostering human rights   the revitalisation of cultural heritage and practices.  The
              and the valuing of humanity – particularly effective during   transformation of our spaces aims to change perceptions,
              televised events. In collaboration with the Transformation   enabling the generation and dissemination of knowledge
              Office,  anti-GBV  advocacy  messages  are  communicat-  through the curation of culturally and artistically diverse
              ed, which included the erection of a board at the sports   experiences.

                                                                                                                                     Table 18: Workforce Profile According to Population Group, Gender, Disability and Nationality.

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