Page 58 - Transformation Report 2023
P. 58
Cybersecurity capability is an extremely high priority for pus as part of the People and Operations portfolio. Con-
the University due the increased use of digital platforms tinued assessment of gaps in the ERP, including business
which creates opportunities for cybercriminals. The DHET process improvement areas, will be undertaken to inform
made funding available to improve cybersecurity, and a the expansion of similar facilities across other campuses.
range of solutions have been implemented to mitigate
the attendant risks. This is an ongoing project. Our continued unwavering commitment to the creation of a socially just and equal society is evident in the content of
Infrastructure and Space Utilisation this report. Despite the ongoing changing global geopolitical and socio-economic conditions, the higher education
Development of the AI Strategy commenced in 2023 and
will be tabled for approval in the first quarter of 2024. sector, including our University, attempts to navigate these prevailing challenges. In our endeavours to be in service of
In support of the development of the Flexible Work Ar- The University’s Infrastructure Masterplan and Strate- society, the following elements cannot be compromised:
rangements Policy being developed by HR, ICT has been gy will be reviewed to ensure its alignment with the Spa-
putting in place the technology to enable remote work, tial Framework of the University and student enrolment Access to and successful completion of affordable and relevant post-school qualifications: Ensuring that education
including collaborative and productivity tools. projections. ISSO will work alongside Student Residence remains accessible to all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background, is paramount to promoting social
mobility and equity.
Management in reviewing the masterplan. A cross-func-
tional team which includes ICT, Catering, institutional Entrenching an inclusive transformative institutional culture which embraces and celebrates diverse ways of
The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System planning, LT Collab and UADS should also be consulted
helps organisations streamline processes, build cus- to align the infrastructural design with Vision 2030 and being and knowing: Fostering an environment that values diversity and inclusivity not only enriches the University com-
tomer relationships, and improve customer service. The ITP outcomes. munity but also promotes innovation and critical thinking.
University’s CRM was upgraded and built on the latest
technology platforms with knowledgebase module which Nelson Mandela University won five national and inter- Provision of various advancement opportunities for students and employees to attain their full potential: Invest-
will guide the staff and students with support for optimal national infrastructure awards for the new triple-storey E ing in programmes and initiatives that support the personal and professional growth of both students and staff contrib-
end-user usage. The new CRM has been rolled out for Block extensions to Ocean Sciences Campus. Specialised utes to the development of a skilled and empowered workforce.
use by key service delivery departments (academic ad- installation of the digital dome screen inside the concrete
min, contact centre, ICT, cleaning, student accounts, HR). structure of the new Science Centre on Ocean Sciences Attracting and retaining diverse talented employees: Creating an inclusive workplace environment that attracts and
Further enhancements to the administrative systems in- Campus is complete. The projection equipment was ful- retains individuals from diverse backgrounds is essential for driving organisational success and innovation.
cluded: ly installed with final adjustments made by the specialist
• the provision of an electronic payroll claims system Skyskan. The new Science Centre which cost R86-million Appropriate resourcing of ethical, quality, and responsive institutional governance and operations (core and
which will be rolled out in 2024; and was supported by earmarked DHET funding. auxiliary services): Ensuring that the University operates ethically, maintains high-quality standards, and responds ef-
• the development of a TGP system that will allow fectively to the needs of its stakeholders is essential for building trust and credibility.
employees to structure their remuneration packages During the year under review, ISSO responded to several
within predefined rules. requests for repurposing of spaces. The procurement of Cognisant of the above elements, our long-term sustainability strategy should intentionally and collectively (inclusive of
employees and students) explore innovative alternative mechanisms to support these key elements with ongoing efforts
the Integrated Workspace Management System (Archi- to expand our revenue streams to reduce our overall dependency level on government subsidy.
To enhance the business intelligence capability within the bus) will assist in the optimisation of space utilisation. The
University, the costing and functionality of cloud-based installation of the system has been completed which will
systems were investigated, whether on/off premise and/ go-live at the start of March 2024. It is hoped that further
or off-the-shelf systems. The project to shift to cloud of- modules of the Archibus system are being procured to
ferings is on course with preparatory work, prioritising the assist with staff move scenarios.
skilling of employees and the identification of applica-
tions and services. The procurement process relating to A draft Infrastructure and Space Optimisation Strategy
the selection of a Cloud platform started during 2023 and was developed in 2023 which accommodates key ele-
will be completed in 2024. ments for supporting research facilities. This will be fur-
ther refined ad finalised during the first semester of 2024.
A Shared Services Centre was established at North cam-