Page 11 - Graduate Recruitment Handbook 2024
P. 11

digitalised. Participants came from three private   while those from other institutions are overlooked.
        institutions – elite and non-elite – and had been
        in the workplace for between one and five years. I   Equipped for the real world
        found that four things counted for employability:   Deeper analysis of graduates’ employment status
        the reputation of the institution; networks and   showed patterns of employment were divided along
        connections; experience; and type of work.  lines of race, socio-economic status, educational
                                             background and institution. These findings are
        A qualification doesn’t equate to a job. Within five   similar to those of studies on the employability of
        years of graduating, 84% of the graduates were   graduates from public universities. They call into
        working. Yet some – mostly from disadvantaged   question the value of investing in private higher
        backgrounds – remained unemployed. And it   education, and whether private institutions provide
        seemed their opportunities were diminishing.  equitable opportunities for all graduates.

        Having a job doesn’t equate to earning a decent   The findings confirm that skills, knowledge and a
        livelihood. Many graduates were underemployed.   qualification don’t ensure successful employment
        Some had taken jobs in factories, retail or   outcomes for graduates. Higher education cannot
        administration, merely to earn some income.   overcome structural constraints such as a saturated
        One-third of the employed graduates earned less   labour market, weak economy and entrenched
        than R10,000 ($700) a month, and 11% of those   social inequality. More of the same from institutions,
        earned below R5,000 a month. That isn’t far off the   irrespective of the quality of the education, will likely
        minimum wage. There was a pattern: most of the low   continue to reproduce unequal outcomes.
        wage earners were black graduates from non-elite
        institutions.                        The need for private institutions in South Africa
                                             to take note of this reality is even more important
        Experience is essential. Employers recruit from   in the context of COVID-19 and the recent social
        their industry network. Eighty percent of the study   unrest, and the implications of these macro issues on
        participants had participated in some form of   graduates’ livelihoods and lives.
        internship to build a base of working experience.   Policies should recognise that some individuals
        But the monthly stipend ranged from R2,000 to   require different strategies, resources and ways of
        R4,000 (between $130 and $270), which barely   teaching to achieve the same outcomes as others.
        covered transport costs. This means that graduates   Students need to be guided and supported in
        who can be financially supported by family take on   their choices from the outset, learning how to
        internships. Those from poor families are less likely to   build networks, gaining real work experience, and
        be able to afford the benefit of these employment-  preparing for various types of work in a range of
        enhancing opportunities and go in search of any job.   contexts.
        Hence their disadvantage persists.   Graduate preparation must move beyond employers
                                             and employment. Institutions ought to focus on
        An institution’s reputation counts. Employers   enhancing graduates’ abilities to navigate their way
        partner with higher education institutions. They   in society, to respond to opportunities to work and
        contribute industry-relevant input to the curriculum   earn, and to be adaptable so they can thrive in an
        and teaching, and then recruit directly from the   uncertain world. DM/ML
        institution’s pool of graduates. Employers admitted
        that they favour graduates from particular institutions   things-that-count-when-a-south-african-graduate-looks-for-work/

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