Page 16 - Graduate Recruitment Handbook 2024
P. 16
What are the Use ChatGPT to tailor
challenges with your resume to a job
using AI in your job description.
application process?
Every job has a unique set of required skills, and not
all roles — even in the same industry with similar
While technology like AI is incredibly beneficial, titles — seek the same qualifications. And while
it can also have drawbacks. So what are some some responsibilities might carry over, you can stand
challenges you should consider when using tools like out if you tailor your resume to a job description,
ChatGPT across your job application workflow:
highlight what you’ve done that’s pertinent to the
• Lack of personal touch: AI is programmed role, and seamlessly incorporate relevant language
to scan a large amount of information and and keywords.
identify information based on predefined
criteria. While this can be efficient, it can also So, how does it work?
be impersonal. Artificial intelligence may not If you haven’t already jumped on the ChatGPT
consider other important factors that a human bandwagon, you’ll want to create a free account.
recruiter or talent acquisition representative Once you’ve logged in, follow these steps:
might consider.
1. In the prompt, type “Write resume
• Misinterpretation of data: AI can misinterpret achievements with metrics based on these job
data or miss important details, leading to responsibilities. “
incorrect identification of skills. This can be
frustrating for any job seeker looking for a 2. Then, Use “shift + enter” to separate lines,
specific job or with a particular skill set. and paste the job description you want your
achievements tailored to below.
• Limited ability to judge soft skills: While
artificial intelligence is good at identifying 3. After you’ve finished and are satisfied with the
hard skills (like programming languages or output from ChatGPT, copy and paste them
certifications), it could be more proficient at into any document you can edit directly.
identifying soft skills such as communication or 4. ChatGPT gave you a good starting point; now,
teamwork. carefully read the content and input your data
from previous roles in
the metrics.
5. Finally, double-
check accuracy,
grammar, and spelling.
6. Once you’ve
made any necessary
changes, copy the
final content as bullet
points into your
16 2024/2025 Graduate Recruitment Handbook
Graduate Recruitment Handbook