Page 21 - Graduate Recruitment Handbook 2024
P. 21
How to remain Employable
in the 21st century
Good contacts, solid interpersonal skills, and online characteristics that match their wish lists.
interview flair are key to standing out in the graduate
jobs market. I’ve been doing some research into “zombie” jobs
– jobs that still exist but, because of automation, AI
Today’s graduates are entering a buoyant jobs and robotics, are in the process of changing, and
market, but they face ever-greater competition from are becoming gradually dehumanised. If you look
their peers. at the financial services sector, for example, change
is occurring rapidly, with AI taking over areas that
Several important trends are shaping the were once reserved for specialists. Employers are still
experiences of graduate job seekers: automation; recruiting lots of graduates, but they are prioritising
the growing importance of online interviews and communication skills and the ability to work
presentations; a shift in focus to personal attributes effectively with others. They want their graduates to
and work experience; and the interplay of contacts project an image of the organisation.
and personal “capital”.
To help our students remain employable into the
21st century, we are developing the concept of ICE
Having a decent set of contacts – Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise. We think that
on LinkedIn could help the jobs graduates who focus on these core areas will remain
employable, regardless of the onset of AI, but they
come to you. Graduates need to will need to be able to point to examples of how
take control of this area. they have used these skills in an interview.
That can be hard for a 21-year-old, who may not
I think many people have underestimated just how have had a great deal of experience. Which is why it
quickly recruitment is changing. Employment across is so important to get as much work experience as
numerous sectors is being automated, and this possible while at university, or on a gap year.
applies to the recruitment process too, where there The other component that will prove invaluable for
has been a significant increase in the use of artificial graduates seeking to land a good job is contacts.
intelligence (AI). Parents may be able to offer some assistance here,
through associations they have made during their
Many of the leading graduate recruiters now careers, but graduates should take control of this
record videos of applicants responding to gamified area themselves. Having a broad and diverse set of
interview questions. These can then be assessed by a professional contacts on LinkedIn could even help
computer running a complex algorithm. the jobs come to you.
So, it’s important for students that they spruce up Your university careers service should be able to help
their presentation skills – which differ according to you make contacts and give you an insight into how
whether an interview takes place in person or online. you can best market your skills and ambitions.
Looking at the camera during a video call – instead No one should graduate from university without
of at the interviewer’s face – creates a much better a great LinkedIn profile and a wide network of
impression, for example. contacts.
What else makes a graduate more employable? With Dr Paul Redmond is director of student experience
companies looking for candidates who can show they and enhancement at the University of Liverpool
are “passionate”, “enthusiastic” and “committed”, Source:
it’s important to demonstrate behavioural remain-employable-21st-century-graduates
2024/2025 Graduate Recruitment Handbook 21