Page 18 - Graduate Recruitment Handbook 2024
P. 18
but it doesn’t have to be. Using ChatGPT to write
Use ChatGPT your cover letter can make this practice seamless.
to answer your 1. In the ChatGPT prompt, type “In 150 words
or less, craft a conversational and persuasive
job application cover letter for a job application to [company]
questions! as a [position], incorporating the details
provided below.”
2. Then, use “shift + enter” to separate lines, and
When it comes to job applications, some of the
include your resume and the job description.
questions asked overlap with what’s already
3. Try this a few times until you’re satisfied with
mentioned in your resume or cover letter. Questions
the results. And remember, ChatGPT is
like “What were your responsibilities in your previous
only as good as the prompt you write.
role?” or “Can you share a project you’re proud of
Being specific with your needs will help
and the results it achieved?” are expected. But don’t
generate ideas — play around with it!
worry; you can leverage artificial intelligence and the
4. Once you’ve finished, copy and paste
information in your application materials to help you
your results into any document you
answer these questions efficiently.
can edit directly. Then, carefully
So, let’s explore how you can use these tools to
read the letter. Does it sound like a
do so. The example below will help us answer the
person wrote it? (This is why using
question, “what experience do you have in growth
the word “conversational” is vital
in the prompt!) Does it accurately
In the ChatGPT prompt, type, “Skim my resume
speak to what you’ve done and
below to identify my previous experience in growth
what you’re capable of?
marketing. Write a paragraph answer in persuasive,
5. After you’ve made any changes,
intellectual, and clear language describing my
double-check grammar and spelling,
specific content marketing experience as though you
then copy and paste it into a cover
were me.”
letter template. (Pro Tip: Follow
Then, use “Shift” + “Enter” to separate the lines and
these same steps for writing your
paste the text from your resume.
professional summary; just change the
Try this a few times until you’re satisfied with the
prompt to, “In 50 words or less, craft a
conversational professional summary for a
Once you’ve finished, copy, and paste your results
job application to [company] as a [position],
into any document you can edit directly. Then,
incorporating the details provided below.”)
carefully read the answer, checking for accuracy,
spelling, and grammar. applications
After that, copy and paste the response into the
application, and you’re all set!
Use ChatGPT to write a personalized cover letter!
Many jobs you apply for may request a customized
cover letter that speaks specifically to the company
and position. Much like unique resumes, cover letters
should highlight what you’ve accomplished relevant
to the role while persuading those hiring that you’re
the best fit for the job. It might sound complicated,
18 2024/2025 Graduate Recruitment Handbook
2024/2025 Graduate Recruitment Handbook