Page 26 - Graduate Recruitment Handbook 2024
P. 26

10 TIPS to make you more

             Employable after Graduation!!!

        Graduating from university is exciting, but it can also be daunting. How long will it take to find a job in your
        field? Will potential employers expect you to have real-world experience as well as academic knowledge?
        How can you make yourself as employable as possible?

        Here are 10 things you can do to get job-ready in the   Some practical ways to improve your understanding
        lead up to life after graduation.    of the jobs landscape in your field include:
                                             •   Following blogs and credible sites that keep
        1.   Understand the employment landscape in   you abreast of industry news. Is the industry
            your field                          facing long-term growth or shrinkage?
        Every industry has a unique employment landscape.   •   Keeping an eye on job boards to gauge how
        For example, pharmacy undergraduates enjoy a   many jobs are posted in your field, how often,
        full-time employment rate of 95.7% four months   and where they are located.
        after graduation, while creative arts students face a   •   Connect with people in your field and ask
        steeper challenge with 52.9% employment.   them about career pathways into the industry.
        Factors include demand for skilled workers and   Networking is so important!
        whether or not industries have established career   •   Know what to expect in terms of average
        pathways such as placement programs.    starting salaries in your industry.

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