Page 27 - Graduate Recruitment Handbook 2024
P. 27

2.   Invest time into internships or work   •   Can you afford the costs involved in further
            experience                          study? How long will it take before you can
        One of the most common frustrations among job-  expect a return on investment (ROI)?
        seekers is that so-called “entry-level” roles require   •   Are higher degrees valued/expected by
        experience. It’s a catch-22 situation: how can you   employers in your field? Are they a “must
        get a job without experience, and how can you get   have” or a “nice to have”?
        experience without a job?            •   Is there an opportunity to gain some practical
                                                experience during the course of study?
        The answer lies in internships and work experience.
        These programs give graduates practical skills, a   5.   Get your resume in order
        greater knowledge of the industry, and all-important   Write a winning resume to get yourself noticed by
        workplace experience. In exchange, the employer   employers. At this stage in your career, it will be
        benefits from your voluntary or low-paid labour,   weighted more towards your academic history than
        usually involving low-level, office-based tasks.   work experience, but you can expect this to change
                                             over time.
        Getting on-the-job experience is an effective way of
        making yourself work-ready and in some cases, can   Keep the document short and sharp by using the
        even lead to a full-time job.        following basic framework:
        But- be aware that internships are sometimes   •   Contact details
        problematic. Unpaid interns can be exploited by   •   Brief overview and key strengths
        unscrupulous employers, and the practice is known   •   Work history (if any)
        to worsen income inequality as not everyone can   •   Education and training
        afford to work a volunteer job.      •      Referees
        Become familiar with job descriptions in your field   Make sure you identify keywords from the job ad
        to determine if internships or work experience are a   and include them in your resume to help it get past
        must-have in your targeted profession.  any potential screening process. There are plenty of
                                             templates available to download, and professional
        3.   Understand where to look for job   resume writers are available to hire if you need some
            opportunities                    guidance.
        Where do employers in your industry advertise job
        opportunities? Places to look for jobs include:  6.   Look into grad programs
        •   Industry-specific job sites such as ArtsHub  Graduate programs are harder to get into than
        •   Company careers pages            internships, as they’re geared towards fast-tracking
        •   LinkedIn and other professional networking   future leaders into a specific organisation.
            platforms                        Grads benefit from networking opportunities,
        •   Word-of-mouth referrals or unadvertised jobs   competitive salaries, training programs, and
            found through your network       professional development opportunities to gain
        •   Recruitment agencies             experience in multiple roles through a rotation
                                             program. At the end of the program, a grad will
        4.   Consider improving your employability with   typically be offered a full-time role.
            further study
        Postgraduates are around 10% more likely to   Grads get a lot more support and attention than
        find full-time employment within four months of   interns, but in exchange, the work tends to be more
        graduation than undergrads.          demanding with a greater level of responsibility
                                             involved. Grad programs range from six months to
        Before making the decision to embark on further   three years in length.
        study, ask yourself:

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