Page 61 - Research & Innovation Report 2020
P. 61


                   At the core of the democratic

                                  township transition

            At  the  core  of  the  democratic  township  transition  are  new  models  of  sustainable
            human settlements.

            The  Climate Justice Charter  for South Africa envisages a just   Cherry from Development Studies, who collaborates with the Co-
            transition in respect of where and how people live — what our   operative and Policy Alternative Centre (COPAC), the South African
            government terms “sustainable human settlements”. This   Food Sovereignty Campaign linked to Prof Vishwas Satgar at Wits
            encompasses housing as well as services and facilities for living a   University, and other civil society organisations that developed
            “good life” in a healthy environment.             the Climate Justice charter and are committed to seeing through
                                                              the development of sustainable human settlements in low income
            While government spends a considerable amount of money   environments.
            in townships, it is yet to adopt models of sustainable human
            settlements. Towards addressing this, Nelson Mandela University   “There are several creative eco-social alternatives to the current
            is engaged in eco-based pilot models in townships and informal   RDP housing model that have been explored, using a circular
            settlements in Nelson Mandela Bay and other parts of the Eastern   layout of houses built with local materials around a common
            Cape that will hopefully be adopted on a national scale.  infrastructure to provide integrated energy, water capture, gas
                                                              from  waste,  food  gardens  and  ‘minimum  flush’  toilets  using
            “Eco-estates and alternative building technologies are not new   greywater,” Prof Cherry elaborates.
            to  South  Africa  but,  to  date,  they  have  been  confined  to  the
            affluent sectors of our society. It makes no sense why they haven’t   Making this transition involves a fundamental rethink of how living
            been expanded to all human settlements,” says Professor Janet   and working spaces are designed and constructed, how services

            Saltuba tunnel garden

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