Page 54 - Thetha Issue 6
P. 54


            Nelson Mandela University is the
            first South African university to
            be awarded a drone licence.
            By Lize Hayward.

                                                                                Bird’s eye view benefits
                                                                                The Drone Unit allows the School
                                                                                of Engineering to equip students
                                                                                with specialised skills in a technical
                                                                                environment supporting both
              Drone Licence Gives                                               communities and the niche market of
                                                                                drone operations.
              Mandela University Wings                                          •  Researchers and staff have access
                                                                                 to professional drones and
                                                                                 crew for myriad projects, such
                                                                                 as Ocean Science research into
            The hard-won achievement will bring   than sport flying.             mucus sample collection from
            it closer to offering diverse and life-  “Overnight, all drone activity   whale spray.
            changing educational experiences   at Nelson Mandela University had   •  The AMTC has developed two
            for a better world, says the      to stop until we could secure a    short courses to train drone
            institution’s Advanced Mechatronic   Remotely Piloted Aircraft System   technicians in preparation for a
            Technology Centre (AMTC) director,   (RPAS) Operating Certificate (ROC),”   possible shortage of qualified staff
            Karl du Preez.                    explains Du Preez.                 in the growing field.
               “This breakthrough is of strategic   “My team and I started a rigorous   •  Employment and economic growth
            importance to the University. We   three-year application process, with   will dovetail from ongoing research
            now have the ability to collect data in   rigid guidelines, to obtain a ROC   and collaboration with industry.
            the form of aerial imagery at a much   from the South African Civil Aviation   •  Drone production and
            higher rate than ever before.     Authority (SACAA), which governs   maintenance at the University is
               “This enables us to understand   commercial and corporate RPAS    aimed at the commercial sector.
            and more quickly manage large-scale   operations in much the same way as
            projects linked to the community,   a large airline operation.”       Drones are an integral aid to
            such as fisheries, illegal poaching,   Following intensive paperwork,   communities, offering search and
            whale populations, forestry and   training, equipment procurement   rescue capability, package delivery
            fire control.”                    and legal assistance, the licence was   (The South African Blood Bank
                                              granted in August.                recently obtained their own ROC)
            Rocky road to success                The AMTC is fortunate to have   and disaster management assistance.
            In 2015, drone flights conducted by   two commercially licensed pilots,   “The University will be able to
            universities, industry and individuals   Professor Russel Phillips and Damian   help communities solve problems via
            became illegal for anything other   Moodley, on board, says Du Preez.  drone technology,” says Du Preez.

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