Page 55 - Thetha Issue 6
P. 55

Newly elected                                n 15 September 2022, the Alumni Association held its online
                                                         AGM, at which the election of office bearers and members of
            Alumni                                 Othe Executive Committee of the Association took place. More
                                                   than 250 members of the Association attended the online meeting
                                                   - a record number of attendees for an Alumni AGM. The Association
            Association                            supports and enhances the realisation of the University’s vision and
                                                   mission through maintaining and expanding positive relationships
            Committee                              with its members through utilising and maximising their expertise,
                                                   goodwill, and influence in support of the University.
                                                      Congratulations to the newly elected office bearers and Executive
                                                   Committee members who will serve a three-year term of office.

                     Siphile Hlwatika                Ayanda Mlatsha                 Athenkosi Sityata
                       PRESIDENT                     VICE PRESIDENT                    TREASURER

              Siphile Hlwatika obtained a LLB   Ayanda Mlatsha, BCurv’12, Dip   Athenkosi Sityata, BCom (Gen
              ‘17, PGDip (Labour Law Practice)   (Nurs Educ) ’17 and Master of   Acc) ’16, PG Dip (Fin Plan) ’17 and
              cum laude ‘18 and LLM (Labour    Nursing ’21, is a registered nurse   AdvDip (Bus Studies: Monitoring &
              Law) cum laude ‘22. He is currently   and currently working as a Senior   Eval) ’20, is the Finance Officer at
              a practising attorney at ENSafrica,   Professional – Living and Learning   Isivivana Centre.
              Africa’s largest law firm, specialising   Office at Nelson Mandela
              in employment litigation and general   University.
              employment law.

                  Linda Mafa             Asiphe Mxalisa             Lebo Nare           Kaya Ngubentombi

            Linda Mafa, BCom         Asiphe Mxalisa, BAdmin   Lebo Nare, BA ’15 alumnus,   Kaya Ngubentombi, LLB
            ’11, PGDip (Business     ’17, BA Hons (Political   is currently the Logistics   ’16 alumnus, is currently
            Administration) ’17 and   Science) ’18 and MA     Director at Mafoko Security   an Associate Attorney at
            MBA ’19, is the Operations   (Political Studies) ’21, is a   Patrols based in Pretoria.   McWilliams & Elliot Inc
            Manager at the United    Lecturer at the Centre for   His duties include fleet   and a former Candidate
            Nations Development      Postgraduate Studies at   management, procurement,   Attorney for the same
            Programme.               Rhodes University. She is   asset management and   private law firm.
                                     currently registered for her   supply chain management.
                                     PhD in Higher Education.

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