Page 8 - Transformation Report 2023
P. 8

INTRODUCTION                                                                                          TRANSFORMATION – INSTITUTIONAL

                                                                                                                                     IMPLEMENTATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY MODEL

              Nelson Mandela University is a comprehensive universi-  Furthermore, making an impactful contribution through          MANCO, together with extended MANCO, is responsi-  compiled from submissions made by the various MAN-
              ty, with a specific focus on providing life-changing edu-  our core functions of teaching and learning, research and   ble for driving and cascading the ITP within the Univer-  CO portfolios. Both the first and second ITPs reflect the
              cational opportunities from certificate to doctoral levels   innovation and stakeholder-community engagement in-       sity. Related implementation and progress are provided   key dimensions of the Transformation Barometer Report-
              across  a  wide  range  of  disciplines  and  fields  of  study.   cludes implementing various cross-cutting interventions   to Council by the Vice-Chancellor. Council is provided   ing Tool. This tool, together with subsequent reports and
              The University is increasingly drawing a higher percent-  to enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of our busi-    with quarterly thematic reports by the Vice-Chancellor,   their associated recommendations, underpin the imple-
              age of students from socio-economically deprived back-  ness processes and support services, in support of those       with the third quarter being dedicated to Transformation   mentation, monitoring, and recalibration of our efforts.
              grounds, particularly those from quintiles one to three   core functions, and in alignment with our values of en-      within the University. The Vice-Chancellor’s reports are
              schools, thus increasing access to higher education (HE)   vironmental stewardship and sustainable resource stew-
              for  first-generation  students.  Increasing  student  access   ardship.
              without the provision of appropriate and adequate re-
              sources to support their successful completion, would be   The precarity of diminishing subsidy and the increasing
              unethical. Participation parity and epistemic access for all   uncertainties and volatilities faced by public higher ed-
              students (and staff) require the University to continue re-  ucation institutions (HEIs) have brought into sharp focus
              viewing and realigning its programme qualification mix   the critical need to heighten efforts to enhance the long-
              (PQM),  curricula,  infrastructure  and  capacity  develop-  term sustainability of the University.
              ment interventions, amongst others, to remain relevant in
              addressing societal challenges locally, regionally, nation-  This report provides an overview of some of the Univer-   METHODOLOGY
              ally and internationally.                        sity’s efforts in advancing the transformation trajectory as
                                                               outlined in our 2023 to 2027 Institutional Transformation
                                                               Plan (ITP).

                                                                                                                                     This report was compiled, amongst others, from the following institutional sources:
                                                                                                                                     •   Direct submissions received from the MANCO portfolios relating to their specific ITP objectives for 2023
                                                                                                                                     •   2023 Quarterly Vice-Chancellor’s Reports to Council
                                                                                                                                     •   2023 Council-approved Employment Equity Report
                                                                                                                                     •   2023 Mid-Year Review Report.

                                                                                                                                     A draft report was collated based on the above documents and MANCO portfolios were provided with an opportunity
                                                                                                                                     to give further input. All amendments to the draft report were integrated into the final draft report. The completed draft
                                                                                                                                     report was submitted to the office of the DVC ETP for final input, after which it underwent editorial, layout, and graphic
                                                                                                                                     design modifications. The finalised report was submitted to Council for approval via the relevant governance structures.

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