Page 10 - Transformation Report 2023
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ACHIEVE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE THROUGH CURRICULUM Coordinated efforts are underway to identify potential lo- Transdisciplinary Sustainability Sciences
TRANSFORMATION TO ENSURE THAT IT IS SOCIALLY RELEVANT cal and international partnerships and collaborations to
AND RESPONSIVE TO THE DEVELOPMENT NEEDS OF THE COUNTRY support the long-term financial sustainability of the Medi- All faculties in addition to research and engagement en-
cal School. In August 2023, the Faculty of Health Sciences tities are exploring opportunities to integrate transdisci-
secured a six-year grant to support seven MBChB stu- plinarity across their qualification offerings and research
dents via the Chan Soon-Shiong Family Foundation and projects. To optimise opportunities, the Transdisciplinary
The University has been strengthening relationships with the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC).
Programme Qualification Mix various industry stakeholders relating to the Master of Institute for Sustainable Futures will be launched in 2024.
Existing research pedigree within the University provides
– Strategic Development Trajectories Maritime Management qualification. Visits to local, re- Revitalising the Humanities further support for conducting integrated projects under-
gional and national stakeholders included the National
Department of Transport, Transnet National Ports Au- pinned by economic, social, and environmental sustain-
thority, Transnet Port Terminals, the South African Inter- The Faculty of Humanities is strongly driving the revit- ability fundamentals.
The mandate of the Sustainability and Institutional Vi- national Maritime Institute, Eastern Cape Maritime Busi- alisation of the humanities through the completion and
ability Task Team (SIVTT) is to assess the strategic and ness Chamber, the Port of Gqeberha, the Port of Ngqura, submission of 50 curriculum renewal applications during In supporting such integrated projects, joint proposals
financial viability of all under- and postgraduate (PG) Transnet Port Terminals (Ngqura), the Nelson Mandela the year under review. Part of this initiative included the have been developed and submitted to various funding
programmes associated with the University’s PQM. The Bay Exports Club, and the Propella Business Incubation. piloting of the first phase of the BA in Politics, Philosophy agencies. One such proposal involved Moi University
PQM review process started in 2023 and is envisaged to and Economics to demonstrate the possibilities for en- (Kenya), University of Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), Ugan-
continue until 2025. hanced transdisciplinary offerings. da Management Institute (Uganda), and the University
Medical School of Abomey-Calavi (Benin), with the University of Olden-
The PG Diploma in Midwifery (120924) qualification was The Faculty of Humanities developed a digital human- burg (Germany) providing technical support. The ‘Just
registered with the South African Qualifications Authority The Medical School has been held up as a beacon for ities hub focused on innovation and exploration of IKS. Transitions Toward Sustainable Futures in Africa (JusFA)’
(SAQA) during the period under review. benchmarking by other universities wishing to follow suit. Flagship projects include virtual African language learn- proposal to the Erasmus Intra-Africa Mobility grant seeks
The sustainability of the Medical School is contingent on ing, intellectual histories of Black South Africans, and a to access grant funding aimed at promoting equitable
No qualifications have been deregistered and removed the University receiving firm commitments from the na- self-sustaining, community-embedded, micro-certificate processes for transitioning to a low-carbon economy, pro-
from the PQM. The University continues to drive the stra- tional DHET and Department of Health (DoH). in IKS and Agricultural Science, with the latter developed moting renewable energies, and supporting vulnerable
tegic trajectories including ocean sciences, the medical in partnership with Northern areas learners and youth. communities in navigating the impact of climate change.
school, revitalising the humanities, transformative en- Constraints relating to government funding pose signifi- Another exciting transdisciplinary project involves the hy-
gagement, women and gender studies, digital transfor- cant challenges to advancing the next stage of high-qual- During the second semester, the Faculty of Humanities drogen economy.
mation and transdisciplinary sustainability sciences. ity medical training provision via the Western region hosted the “Celebration of 200 Years of the Written Word
clinical platform. Sixty percent of students in the MBChB of isiXhosa” event. Laduma Ngxokolo, the Mandela hon-
programme are from quintile 1-3 schools. Ensuring the
Ocean Sciences sustainability of this programme will assuage the structur- orary doctorate candidate and alumnus, addressed the
al barriers preventing learners from low-income commu- well-attended event, which was the first known scholarly
The transdisciplinary research of the Institute for Coastal nities from qualifying as medical doctors. gathering to be conducted in isiXhosa.
and Marine Research (CMR) advances understanding of
the coastal and marine environment in alignment with the
University’s institutional research theme for environmen-
tal stewardship and sustainable livelihoods. Several new
international projects were started in 2023, including one
funded by the United Nations Environment Programme,
which aims to develop guidelines and support for Kenya’s
marine spatial planning process.
The SARChI Chair in Ocean Cultures and Heritage has
generated creative outputs to advance social conscious-
ness of sustainability. The International Conference on
Human Relations with the Sea was hosted in September
2023 on the Ocean Sciences Campus in Gqeberha and
at two venues in Windhoek, Namibia. The conference
included a transnational Human Oceans Exhibition of
photography, sculpture and ceramics and leveraged Khoi
and Xhosa traditional leaders to discuss the importance
of indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) and the future of
ocean management in Africa. Seven documentary films
on themes including cultural heritage, ecological sustain-
ability, and human relations have been produced.