Page 15 - Transformation Report 2023
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                               2 GOAL

 Technology-Enabled Resources   The Academic Planning and Quality Advancement   ACHIEVE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE THROUGH BROADENING STUDENT
 (APQA)  team  provided  excellent  support  in  coordinat-  ACCESS, PARTICULARLY THOSE WITH DISABILITIES AND FROM
 An assessment of the computing needs of the Academy   ing the CHE Audit submission and processes during the   HISTORICALLY DISADVANTAGED GROUPS
 was done. This included understanding the types of soft-  panel visit.  After submitting the Self-Evaluation Report in
 ware, hardware, and infrastructure required to facilitate   2022, the draft CHE Audit Report was received in 2023,
 effective teaching and learning. To this end, licences were   which the University responded. Once the final Audit Re-
 renewed for packages such as ArcGIS, Corel Site License,   port is received, an improvement plan will be developed
 Sketch UP, MATLAB, Statistica, Mathematica and SMark   and implemented.  Diversify The UG And PG
 (Assessment).             Student Profiles

 The WiFi densification and expansion project continues,   Excellence in Learning and Teaching
 with more coverage and resilient connectivity. The Uni-  The student datasets below are from audited HEMIS final
 versity has sourced a tool to assess the WiFi strength to   submissions to the DHET for 2019 to 2022 and preliminary
 ensure consistency in the quality of connectivity, includ-  Various colloquia, symposia, seminars, and other similar   submission two for 2023.
 ing on-campus and off-campus residences. Off-campus   platforms were created to open up discussions to share
 residences continue to be incorporated into the Univer-  insights gleaned from innovations in the learning and   The  total  number  of  student  enrolments  for  2023  was
 sity connectivity grid with 78 large student accommoda-  teaching spaces across faculties and other related areas   31 400 (28 147 UG and 3 253 PG), relative to 32 320 (28
 tion establishments housing over 9 000 students already   within the University. These platforms serve as invaluable   910 UG and 3 410 PG) in 2022 (Table 1). This translates
 on-boarded.    opportunities for faculty members, researchers, and other   to  90  percent  of  enrolments  being  at  UG  level  and  10
 stakeholders to exchange ideas, discuss best practices,   percent  at  PG  level.  The  year-on-year  (YoY)  change  in
 Open Resources and Textbooks  and showcase advancements in pedagogy and educa-  student population groups show that African enrolments
 tional technology. By facilitating such gatherings, the in-  increased to 85 percent of the total student enrolments,
 The University continues to explore and expand its ca-  stitution fosters a culture of collaboration and continuous   while the Coloured and White enrolments decreased to
 pabilities to be responsive to technological advances.   improvement in teaching methodologies and curriculum   7 percent, respectively and Indian enrolments remained
 The cost of prescribed textbooks is prohibitive, which   transformation. Moreover, these events promote inter-  constant at 1 percent. Only three percent of the total stu-
 prevents indigent students from accessing these critical   disciplinary dialogue and collaboration, enriching the ac-  dent enrolments are international students relative to the
 resources.   ademic experience for both educators and students. In   97 percent national enrolments (similar to 2022). The pro-  Table 1: Student Enrolments According to Gender, Population groups at
 essence, these platforms play a crucial role in promoting   portion of students with disabilities (disclosed) remained   UG and PG levels and Nationality for 2022 and 2023.
 Due to the need for the development and provision of   innovation and excellence in teaching and learning within   constant at two percent for 2022 and 2023.
 good quality Open Education Resources (OER) that are   the University community.  ceeded the 2023 target set in the Annual Performance
 relevant to the South African context, an element of the   A concerning trend observed is the steady decline in the   Plan (APP) by 2.9 percent. PG enrolments showed a YoY
 Kresge-funded Siyaphumelela project provided fund-  proportion of male student enrolments over the past five   decline of 7.8 percent from 3 410 in 2022 to 3 143 in 2023.
 ing to support academic staff to develop these critical   years, from 47 percent in 2019 to 41 percent in 2023 (Fig-  The university fell short by 17.7 percent of reaching the
 resources and textbooks. Capacitation sessions for aca-  ure 1). It is unclear whether this decline is a national, pro-  APP target of 3 820. The continued decline in PG enrol-
 demic staff started with a workshop held in October to   vincial or local trend. Nationally the gender profile is 55.2   ments over the past five years, having made up 13 per-
 introduce Academics to the concepts and processes of   percent male and 44.8 percent female. The factors con-  cent of enrolments, to only 10 percent of enrolments. A
 writing OERs. Further sessions are planned for 2024.   tributing to this significant reduction in male enrolments   contributing factor to this decline may be that the num-
              should be further explored.                      ber of students supported by National Student Financial
                                                               Aid Scheme (NSFAS) having shifted from 44 percent in
              Table 2 shows that a YoY decrease of 19.1 percent in first-  2019 to 60 percent in 2023. It should be noted that NSFAS
 Quality Advancement Framework  time entering UG enrolments from 8 555 in 2022 to 6 917  only pays for the first qualification of the beneficiary.
              in 2023, while the overall number of UG enrolments ex-

 The new and finalised Council on Higher Education (CHE)
 Quality Advancement Framework (QAF) was launched in
 September 2023 and will guide the Higher Education In-
 stitutions (HEIs) curriculum review framework. CHE is con-
 sulting on its associated protocols, and the final version
 will be available to universities by July 2024. In addition
 to the above, the CHE is consulting HEIs on an integrat-
 ed quality management system (IQMS).  Introducing the
 CHE Dashboard will monitor the institutional progress
 of curriculum processes and provide improved curricu-
 lum and programme management. This tool will assist
 in tracking changes made to the curriculum and inform
                         Figure 1: Student enrolments according to gender from 2019 to 2023.

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