Page 19 - Transformation Report 2023
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the extent of the need exceeds the quantum of funding
 Postgraduate Student Profile  available. Table 5 shows that the proportion of male en-
 rolments for doctoral studies increased from 50 percent
 in 2022 to 52 percent in 2023. This profile is very different
 Table 4 provides an overview of demographic profile of   to the total student profile as well as the profile found at
 the master’s students for 2022 and 2023. The shift in gen-  master’s level. The population group profile shows that
 der profile is similar to the total student profile, showing   the proportion of White students enrolled at doctoral lev-
 a downward trend for male student enrolments at mas-  el (20 percent) is nearly three times the proportion of the
 ter’s level. The number of African students enrolled for   total student profile (7 percent). It is encouraging to see
 master’s studies are lower than the total student profile,   that a higher proportion of African students enrolled for
 while  the  proportion  of White  and  Coloured  students   doctoral studies (70 percent), relative to the previous year
 show an increase at PG level. The number of internation-  (68  percent).  The  proportion  of  international  students
 al students is more than double the proportion reflected   at doctoral level (32 percent) is nearly eleven times the
 in  the  total  student  profile.  This  shift  in  profile  may  be   proportion of the total student profile (3 percent). Com-
 due to financial challenges arising for NSFAS-funded stu-  parison between the profile of enrolments relative to the
 dents who cannot continue with PG studies because NS-  profile of graduates will be done in the section of grad-
 FAS only provides funding for the first qualification. The   uate profile.
 University does provide funding to PG students, however,

             Table 4: Demographic Profile of Masters Enrolments by Gender, Population Group and Nationality for 2022 and 2023.

             Table 5: Demographic Profile of Doctoral Enrolments by Gender, Population Group and Nationality for 2022 and 2023.

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