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University and other institutions providing further educa-
                          Broadening Access                    tion and training opportunities within the post-school ed-
                                                               ucation and training (PSET) sector. Establishing articula-
                                                               tion learning pathways with regional Technical Vocational
              An enrolment strategy is being developed to guide the   Education and Training (TVET) colleges is an imperative
              enrolment practices to achieve the targets submitted to   to broaden access. Commitment and intentional collab-
              the  DHET  in  the  five-year  Institutional  Enrolment  Plan.   orations with TVETs and other PSET institutions must en-
              Due to declining PG and International student enrol-  sure  better  alignment  of  discipline-specific  programme
              ments,  the  enrolment  strategy  identified  specific  inter-  offerings to enable seamless articulation to access higher
              ventions to address the downward trend.          qualifications options.
              African International Students

              Institutional discourses relating the African identity of the
              University brought into stark contrast the classification of
              students from other African countries as foreign nation-
              als. Being acutely aware that this issue is not confined to
              our university only and cognisant that the name of this
              university and the nature of the person after whom it is
              named, places an onus upon us to take the lead in venti-
              lating this issue.
              African  students  pay  international  fees  which  is  signifi-
              cantly higher than the fees paid by local students.                                                                                Figure 6: Mapping of the various sub-frameworks and qualifications linked to the learning and work pathways in
                                                                                                                                                 Engineering within the South African educational system.
              Africa Agenda 2063 clearly speaks to an integrated Afri-
              ca with an African Education Accreditation Agency and
              a common educational system in place where African                                                                     Recognition of Prior Learning                    fully online SLPs that were approved and are ready for im-
              Youth will have the choice to study at any university and                                                                                                               plementation. The Enterprise Resource Planning vendor,
              work anywhere on the continent.                                                                                        The international shift towards knowledge and skills pro-  AdaptIT, will provide the administrative layer in support of
                                                                                                                                     duction places further pressure on South Africa to be-  the finalised SLP strategy.
              South Africa supports the development objectives and                                                                   come globally competitive. With an endemic shortage
              aims of Agenda 2063 in the context of strengthening Afri-                                                              of high-level professional and managerial skills and a sig-  Hybrid-Flexible (Hyflex) teaching and learning is a rela-
              can cooperation, integration and for promoting inclusive                                                               nificant decline in the demand for unskilled labour, RPL   tively new concept within the South African HE context.
              development,  peace  and  security.  This  commitment  to                                                              provides a mechanism to redress past educational ineq-  It  provides  a more  realistic  pedagogic  and  curriculum
              advancing Agenda 2063 is informed by the understand-                                                                   uity and enable access for working adults to further their   choice for enhancing epistemological access and mean-
              ing that South Africa’s destiny is intricately linked to that   Figure 5: Overview of the National Qualification Framework, including   professional training.          ingful engagement by ensuring that no student is left be-
              of the continent.                                sub-frameworks and qualification types.                                                                                hind in the teaching and learning process.
                                                                                                                                     Despite RPL being an official national policy imperative,
              A position paper is being developed to frame the context   SAQA developed the figure (on the next page) to illus-      this mechanism for broadening access is highly complex   In partnership with HE Partners SA, the Digital Learning
              of the African Agenda 2063 and our own identify as an   trate  the  flexible  learning  and  work  pathways  in  Engi-  and requires HEIs to provide different ways of planning,   Experience Design and Innovation cluster (LXD) support-
              African university. It is hoped that this position paper will   neering and the interface between work experience and   designing, and presenting their qualifications. The new   ed the development of the University’s first fully online
              stimulate discussion and lead to policy change at sectoral   recog-nition of prior learning (RPL) (Figure 6). Developing   national RPL policy was released to universities for com-  programme offerings, which will be available to the
              and national levels.                                                                                                   ment in 2023, and the APQA team is in the process of   public towards the end of 2025. The LXD hybrid and Hy-
                                                               learning and work pathways to enable such articulations                                                                flex offerings have expanded, with plans to provide fully
                                                               to access programme offerings within HEIs is complex                  developing an institutional policy.
              Articulation                                     and will require formalisation of agreements between                                                                   online SLPSs and certificates.
                                                               these various stakeholders.                                           Stackable Online Short Learning
              The CHE articulation policy was approved and released                                                                  Programmes                                       Besides enhancing accessibility, provision of these online
              in 2023. It informs the University’s policy and guides the   The core mandate of the University is to provide transfor-                                                 offerings will create new revenue generation opportuni-
              review of our programmes. The figure below summarises   mative, lifelong learning experiences that liberate human      Several credit-bearing Short Learning Programmes (SLPs)   ties by ensuring that learners can access our programmes
              the National Qualification Framework (NQF) with the vari-  potential  through innovative  and  student-centred  prac-  are available and could, through the RPL process, be   virtually from any geographic location and at different
              ous sub-frameworks and qualification types that underpin   tices. The provision of adequate resources is critical for   stacked and integrated into accredited programmes. The   times of the year. A critical element in the provision of
              learning pathways in South Africa (Figure 5).    supporting the development of articulation pathways be-               Learning and Teaching Collaborative for Success (LT Col-  these online offerings is an integrated approach to plan-
                                                               tween the various qualification streams linked to learning            lab) is supporting the University in the creation of fully on-  ning, which will involve the respective faculties, LT Collab,
              The establishment of articulation pathways will be re-  and work pathways across the educational system.               line programmes. The formulation comprises formal UG   Information  and  Communications  Technology  (ICT),  In-
              quired for internal programmes as well as between the                                                                  and PG diplomas and degrees and has moved beyond   frastructure Services and Space Optimisation (ISSO), and
                                                                                                                                                                                      Support Services.

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