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ern Cape student enrolments resided outside the met-
              ro (including Kariega and Despatch). However, this pro-
              portion increased to 62 percent in 2023. Gauteng (11.4
              percent) and KwaZulu Natal (11.3 percent) are the other
              two major provinces from where students are recruited.
              The three languages with the highest proportion of home
              language-speakers  includes  isiXhosa  (52.2  percent)  En-
              glish  (17.0  percent)  and  isiZulu  (9.8  percent).  Afrikaans
              only makes up 3.3 percent, while the proportion of oth-
              er official languages is below 3 percent (Figure 3). The
              majority (65 percent) of first-time enrolments come from
              quintile 1, 2 and 3 schools, relative to 66 percent in 2022.
              In 2019, 73.4 percent of first-time enrolments came from
              quintile 3, 4 and 5 schools (Figure 4). These trends show
              that increased access is being provided to the historically
              marginalised communities.

                                                                  Figure 2: Geographic distribution of South African students.
                HOME LANGUAGE OF STUDENTS 2022 - 2023
 Table 2: Institutional Key Performance Areas on Student Access for 2023 Relative to 2022 and 2021.
                                    2022                                            2023

                        55%            20%       OTHER SA               55%              ENGLISH  OTHER SA
                                                  OFFICIAL                                        OFFICIAL
                        ISIXHOSA                 LANGUAGES              ISIXHOSA                 LANGUAGES
                                                  21%                                            24%
                       4%                                               3%
                     AFRIKAANS                                       AFRIKAANS

               * NOTE: Other Languages have been filtered out
                Figure 3: Home language of students 2022-2023.

 Table 3: Institutional Key Performance Areas on Enrolments by Major Field of Study for 2023 Relative to 2022 and 2021.

 Table  3  shows  enrolments  according  to  major  field  of   percent. Enrolments in Science, Engineering, Technolo-
 study shows an increase in the number of enrolments in   gy and the Humanities showed a decline in YoY and APP
 Business-related enrolments, exceeding the APP target   targets, respectively. The majority (56 percent) of our 2023
 by  11.7  percent.  Enrolments  in  Education  increased  by   student enrolments reside in the Eastern Cape relative
 2.7 percent YoY but fell short of the APP target by 10.7   to 59 percent in 2022. In 2019, 51 percent of the East-

               Figure 4: Distribution of first-time student enrolments from 2019 to 2023.

 9  TRANSFORMATION REPORT  TRANSFORMATION REPORT                                                          10
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