Page 14 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
P. 14

Urbanisation is largely unplanned and fuels the growth   8.  Access to quality healthcare
              of informal or slum settlements. In South Africa, 63%
              of the population are living in urban areas and this   Nationally and internationally, being better prepared
              is projected to rise to 71% by 2030. By 2050, eight   for the next pandemic is a high priority that calls for
              in 10 people will be living in urban areas which will   investments in upgrading public health infrastructure
              place additional pressure on constrained resources   and modernising health care systems, including
              and make it more difficult to deliver on the goal of the   telemedicine and virtual health. While South Africa
              Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) to   is making progress in addressing Sustainable
              foster a shared understanding across government   Development Goal 3 relating to good health and
              and society about how best to manage urbanisation   well-being, key challenges include poor access to and
              to achieve economic development, job creation and   poor quality of universal health care in areas such as
              improved living conditions.                      mental health care and services for the disabled. The
                                                               retention of skilled, senior health professionals in the
              Rapid urbanisation is a key challenge to in achieving   public sector is another issue, with many leaving the
              the intention of the  Paris agreement to hold the   country. To counter this, the  Occupational  Specific
              increase in the global average temperature to 1.5°C   Dispensation (OSD) for health professionals has
              compared to pre-industrial levels. Cities account   been introduced in the South African public sector.
              for  60 to 80 percent of energy consumption and
              generate as much as 70 percent of the human-     Against this  backdrop, principles  such as  equity,
              induced greenhouse gas emissions. Urgent action   community participation, social and economic
              is required to transform urban systems well before   development form the basis of South Africa’s health
              2030 to withstand climatic extremes.             policy and service delivery. This informs interventions
                                                               focused on the determinants of poor health, health
              7.  Climate action and sustainability            promotion, prevention, cure and rehabilitation, an
                                                               integrated referral system to facilitate a continuum of
              The Global Risks Report 2022 ranks climate action   care, teams of health professionals with specific and
              failure  as  the  risk  with  potentially  the  most severe   sophisticated biomedical and social skills, adequate
              impacts over the next decade. Climate change is   resources, and a client-centred approach.
              already manifesting rapidly in the form of natural
              disasters, abnormal weather patterns, resource   Within the context of complex global megatrends, it
              scarcity, and species loss. The  threat of climate   is crucial that Mandela University proactively designs
              change is already destroying lives, livelihoods,   forward-looking strategies to enhance its strategic
              and  ecosystems,  especially  in  poorer regions  that   positioning within the post-school education
              contribute the least to global warming.          and training landscape nationally, on the African
                                                               continent, and globally. This should be informed
              Climate change projections for the SADC region show   by a comprehensive analysis of the implications of
              that the greatest impact will be on water availability,   the legislative mandate of public universities in the
              which could severely affect food production and   South African context.
              energy generation. Annual rainfall is expected
              to  decrease  by  20%  by  2080 in  southern  Africa,   9.  Legislative mandate
              worsening water and food insecurity. South Africa
              is among the pioneers in adopting green economy   The  United Nations Sustainable Development
              strategies  to  fulfil  the  commitments  contained  in   Goals (SDGs) strive to address global challenges
              the  United Nations Framework Convention on      such as those related to poverty, inequality, global
              Climate Change.  Various programmes have been    unemployment, climate change, and environmental
              put  in  place  to  promote  energy  efficiency,  green   degradation. Goal 4 aims to “ensure inclusive and
              transport, sustainable housing, and climate resilient   equitable quality education and promote lifelong
              agriculture. These will be implemented in a manner   learning opportunities for all” with one of the targets
              that  stimulates  investment,  local  economic  activity,   seeking to “ensure equal access for all women and
              and manufacturing, as part of a just transition to a   men to affordable and quality technical, vocational
              low-carbon economy and climate resilience.       and tertiary education, including university” by

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