Page 10 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
P. 10


              Contextualisation of the

              Higher Education Environment

              Higher education plays a key role in fulfilling certain   South  Africa  remains  the  most  unequal  country  in
              societal agendas such as democratisation, social   the world with a Gini coefficient of 0.63. The Eastern
              mobility, economic  development, innovation,  and   Cape is in a particularly perilous position, with weak
              a better quality of life for all citizens (Maassen and   economic growth and high levels of unemployment.
              Olsen, 2007).  The rapid pace of change nationally   The  SOPA 2022 highlighted that roughly 43% of
              and  globally  acts  as  a  driver  for  universities  to   the provincial population depend on social grants.
              revisit their core purpose, academic missions, and   Financial instability results in poor quality service
              operating models to ensure that they thrive within a   delivery and continued disruptions in electricity
              volatile, uncertain, and complex macro-environment.   supply negatively impact on industries and threaten
              Most recently, these external drivers have manifested   job security.
              as challenges such as food insecurity, uneven access
              to quality healthcare and education, climate change,   Gross social, class, racial and gender disparities
              and rising societal expectations of universities. This   contradict the ideals of social justice, access and
              calls for universities to engage with key stakeholders   equity espoused in the visions and strategies
              at global, continental, national, provincial, and   of universities. It is against this background that
              local levels to anticipate future trends and serve as   Zeleza  argues  for  inclusion  which  he  defines  as
              catalysts for sustainable development.           the “…intentional and continuous processes and
                                                               outcomes  in which all members of  the community
              1.  Poverty, inequality, and                     as individuals and groups are welcomed  and feel
                 economic recovery                             a sense of belonging and are provided with equal
                                                               opportunities  to  participate  in  institutional  life
              Across the world, the number of people living in   and flourish.”
              extreme poverty and facing acute food insecurity
              has risen. According to the annual report launched   To  achieve  this,  significant  progress  has  been
              in May 2022 by the Global Network Against Food   made since 2017 within the sector and at Mandela
              Crises  (GNAFC),  approximately 193 million people   University in addressing unequal access to
              in 53 countries or territories experienced acute food   higher  education  for  financially  disadvantaged,
              insecurity at crisis or worse levels in 2021. The result   academically deserving students through expanded
              is an unsettled geopolitical landscape marked by   financial aid. As at 31 December 2021, the National
              downward pressure on the global economy and rising   Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) disbursed
              citizen discontent with how national governments are   R38.7 billion to about 800 000 university and TVET
              addressing profound socio-economic inequalities   college students, representing an increase of 316%
              and human precarity.                             from 2015 to 2021.

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