Page 6 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
P. 6



              This report seeks to provide a reflective and authentic   assess the impact thereof on institutional strategy
              overview of progress made at Nelson Mandela      and the University’s core academic missions.
              University over the past five years (2018-2022) since
              the Vice-Chancellor’s inaugural address in 2018.   Universities in South Africa are increasingly called
              The report commences with a contextualisation of   upon to participate more actively in addressing the
              the prevailing higher education macro-environment   developmental needs of the African continent, with
              as  the backdrop  against  which  the  University   specific reference to the United Nations Sustainable
              strives to fulfil its noble purpose of promoting the   Development Goals, the African Union Agenda
              public good. The report will furthermore provide   2063, and South Africa’s National Development
              some insight into future strategic directions to be   Plan. Societal expectations of HEIs to demonstrate
              embarked upon in the decade leading up to 2030   social responsiveness and impact are simultaneously
              to ensure that Mandela University fulfils its aspiration   increasing, particularly in developing nations, and
              to be a socially embedded, African university    universities.
              that offers a range of life-changing educational
              experiences, impactful research and innovation, and   As universities collectively reshape the post-
              transformative engagement for a better world.    pandemic future, they seek to undertake four
                                                               missions as effectively as possible, namely, to:
              A set of interlinked geo-political shifts together with   provide teaching and learning for their students;
              the socio-economic and planetary challenges, digital   undertake transformative research and scholarship;
              advancements, and the emerging dominance of      promote impactful engagements with society; and
              techno-rationality suggests that a “new moment” is   serve as hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship for
              at play. At a time when individual higher education   sustainable and progressive change. In doing so, the
              institutions (HEIs) and the sector are under sustained   prevailing existential, economic, and epistemic crises
              fiscal  pressure,  the  deepening  of  stability  will  be   compel universities to adopt a fifth mission – the duty
              a powerful instrument in promoting institutional   of care – which is characterised by humanistic and
              reputation, scholarly depth, and vibrant growth.   ecological values for the sustainability of our species,
              It remains imperative to develop, and maintain,   societies, and nature (Zeleza, 2022).
              appropriate strategic and operational responses
              over a period that is likely to remain volatile and   In  2021,  Council  approved  the  University’s  Vision
              uncertain. This includes continuously evaluating the   2030 Strategy, which strives to differentiate
              higher education legislative framework and macro-  Mandela University nationally and globally by
              environmental context within which we operate, to   pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge through

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