Page 22 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
P. 22

To address these themes, executive management    2018–2020 (short- to medium-term)
              identified  three  phases  of  implementation,  as   • Assess resource implications of the revised Vision
              outlined below:                                   2020 strategic plan and integrate these into
                                                                the budget.
              2018 (immediate)                                 • Implement organisational redesign process to
              • Embed   themes   emerging   from   Listening    reimagine existing institutional systems, processes,
                Campaign and VC’s inaugural address in MANCO    structures, policies and practices.
                strategic plans (2018–2020) and revised Vision   • Craft Vision 2030 using the Listening Campaign as
                2020 strategic plan.                            a transversal baseline assessment of the status quo.
              • Adapt  institutional  monitoring,  evaluation,  and
                reporting framework to report on progress in   As an outcome of the Listening Campaign, the
                addressing issues identified.                  University’s Vision 2020 strategic plan (2018–2020)
              • Communicate     progress    with   strategy    was comprehensively reviewed and approved by
                implementation to stakeholders on a quarterly and   Council on 28 September 2018. Furthermore, the
                annual basis.                                  Vision 2020 decadal review (with accompanying
                                                               infographics) revealed that commitments made
              These priorities were supported by the approved   regarding the implementation of Vision 2020 had
              governance monitoring,  evaluation  and reporting   been broadly concluded as follows, namely, that:
              framework to ensure that this implementation phase   they had been finalised and could be taken off the
              was successfully completed, enabling the smooth   agenda; where projects rolled over to successive
              transition into the next phase.                  years, key milestones had been met; and where
                                                               insufficient  progress  had  been  made  in  some
                                                               seemingly intractable areas, these would require a
                                                               more concerted focus in Vision 2030. These areas
                                                               for improvement were confirmed during the Vision
                                                               2030  stakeholder  engagements and  included
                                                               employee and student wellness, non-attainment
                                                               of  postgraduate  and   international  student
                                                               enrolment targets, and cumbersome systems and
                                As an outcome                  processes that were hindering agility, innovation
                                                               and responsiveness. These were also raised as key
                               of the Listening                institutional risks during the annual risk assessment
                                Campaign, the                  Beyond 2020 (long-term)

                                     University’s              Several themes emerging from the Listening
                                                               Campaign  were  flagged  as  longer-term  strategic
                                    Vision 2020                imperatives  that  would  extend  beyond  2020  and
                                                               therefore inform the formulation of  Vision 2030.
                                 strategic plan                These included devoting attention to strategic
                                                               positioning and institutional identity; transformative
                           (2018-2020) was                     institutional culture; sustainable resource mobilisation
                                                               and stewardship; and strategic partnerships at
                           comprehensively                     multiple levels. As a precursor to Vision 2030, the
                                                               Vice-Chancellor set out various commitments in her
                                 reviewed and                  inaugural address.

                                   approved by                 Commitments made in the Vice-

                                  Council on 28                Chancellor’s Inaugural Address (2018)
                                                               In her inaugural address, the Vice-Chancellor
                            September 2018.                    signaled that a pattern had already begun to emerge
                                                               from the engagements with employees and students

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