Page 12 - Research & Innovation Report 2020
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The research and innovation strategy has set a target of adding
a minimum of six research chairs in the period 2019 to 2024
(one new research chair per year). We are pleased to report that
in 2020, four externally funded research chairs were secured.
Notably, these research chairs respond to the University’s strategic
areas, including revitalisation of the Humanities; Ocean Sciences;
and the Nelson Mandela University Medical School. In addition,
all the chairs are linked to the Institutional Research Themes.
Future endeavours will focus on growing the number of research
chairs, with emphasis on externally and industry-funded research
chairs. We further congratulate Prof Mike Roberts and Prof Mandy
Lombard whose research chair funding has been continued for a
Diverse research fields
receive external support
The academic and research community at Nelson
Mandela successfully applied for various external
grants in diverse fields, for example:
Dr Babalwa Magoqwana of the Centre for
Women and Gender Studies, received R800 000
from the National Institute for the Humanities and
Social Sciences Catalytic Research Programme for
her research “Maternal Legacies of Knowledge:
Towards a Woman-Centred Sociology of the
Eastern Cape”.
Mr Hiten Pramar from eNtsa and his team were
awarded R7.9-million (£333 683) by the UK PACT Dr Priscilla Mensah
Countries Programme for their project, “STRAPSA
– Shifting the Transport Paradigm for South
Africa”. The project provides technical assistance
to facilitate capacity building and knowledge further five-year cycle.
acquisition on electric transportation.
The Innovation Office executes several programmes and services
Dr Gavin Rishworth and Prof Janine Adams from targeted at both students and staff to encourage innovation and
the Institute for Coastal Research/Zoology and facilitate the translation of research outputs into products and
Botany Departments were awarded R2.2M from services that have national and/or global societal benefit. In 2020,
UK Research and Innovation’s Global Challenge ten invention disclosures were received, 29 patents proceeded to
Research Fund, as part of a consortium research national phase filing and an income of R2.54-million was generated
project, “Ecosystem Management: Building from intellectual property (IP).
Resilience and Adaptability to Coastal Climate
Change Effects (EMBRACE)”.
Mandela University’s commitment to support innovation
Prof Mike Roberts, Chair of Ocean Science and entrepreneurship extends well beyond its own internal
and Marine Food Security was awarded the environment. Driven by this commitment, the University, through
Newton Fund Prize for R4.2-million to continue its IP commercialisation vehicle, Innovolve (Pty) Ltd, and in
his important work in the Western Indian Ocean partnership with Engeli Enterprise Development (a private sector
(WIO), building research capacity within the business support company) established a joint venture incubator
region to enhance the WIO countries’ ability to company, the Propella Business Incubator, to provide technology
make decisions about their environment and food and business development support for innovative ventures. In
security. October 2020, the Propella Business Incubator, in partnership
with the Small Enterprise Development Agency, established and
opened the Propella Township Hub, which offers customised, fit-
for-purpose programmes specifically tailored to suit the needs