Page 15 - Research & Innovation Report 2020
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Of course, the digital transformation of internationalisation was important, as the provision of emotional support helped to
is envisioned within the context of a university that bears the alleviate feelings of alienation and isolation.
responsibility of living up to and aligning its efforts to the distinct
iconic ethos of Madiba. Nelson Mandela spent his life advocating An article in the University’s news bulletin, titled ‘Whatever the
for a just and equitable society within which an interconnectedness Nationality, a Mother’s Care Knows no Borders’, paid tribute to
of humanity embodied the advancement of rights, freedoms and Natasha September, a member of the International Office staff
dignity for all. With this in mind, Nelson Mandela University remains responsible for postgraduate student support, who championed
fully committed to being in service of society and to delivering the distribution of food parcels amongst those students badly
life-changing and student-centric educational experiences and affected during lockdown. The article highlighted the feeling of
opportunities. warmth that they received from members of the University who
reached out to ensure that all Mandela students were treated with
This commitment is embodied in the University’s introduction of dignity and care.
multiple pathways to learning and teaching, which enabled many
international students to continue with their studies in their home We continue to battle the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
countries and for those who remained in South Africa to receive We are, however, undeterred in our efforts to work collaboratively
all the support they needed. For those international students who with the rest of the world to discover new knowledge and
remained in the country and were unable to travel due to financial produce groundbreaking research that offers solutions to global
circumstances or COVID restrictions, Mandela University assisted challenges, responds to the Sustainable Development Goals and
in a variety of ways: providing food parcels to alleviate hunger, channels efforts to connect with Africans on our continent and in
extending flexible concessions to ease the financial burden of the diaspora in order to deliver on the aspirations of the African
studying abroad, facilitating the extension of their medical aid Union’s Agenda 2063: ‘The Africa We Want’.
coverage and obtaining visa extension authorisation from the
Department of Home Affairs. International Office staff ensured a Beata Mtyingizana
degree of human interaction and safe contact with students, which Senior Director: International Office
“Nelson Mandela University remains
fully committed to being in service of
society and to delivering life-changing
and student-centric educational
experiences and opportunities.”
1 The notion of a COIL bridge emphasises the endless opportunities that can be harvested from several virtual platforms through which the internationalisation of higher education
can be advanced including joint programme offerings, collaborative research, conferencing, exchanges and student mobility, amongst others.
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