Page 79 - Research & Innovation Report 2020
P. 79

                                            ENVIRONMENT AND TECHNOLOGY

                                                                      Huge opportunity for

                                                                         lithium-ion battery
                                                                       manufacturing in SA

                                                                  Foli authored an occasional paper commissioned
                                                                  and published in December 2020 by the South
                                                                  African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)
                                                                  – an independent, non-government think tank.
                                                                  SAIIA’s occasional papers present topical, incisive
                                                                  analyses on key policy issues in Africa and beyond.
                                                                  The title of the paper is: SADC e-Mobility Outlook:
                                                                  Accelerating the Battery Manufacturing Value
                                                                  Chain. “This is key to my research as it looks at
                                                                  how the SADC region with all its raw materials
                                                                  can fast-track industrialisation and seize the
            Edem Foli                                             huge global opportunity in the lithium-ion (Li-
                                                                  ion) battery manufacturing chain for renewable
            “As part of the second phase we are hosting online international   energy and  electric  vehicles  (EVs). South  Africa
            webinars  with  Cenex,  and  specific  gender  equality  and  social   has the world’s highest reserves of manganese, an
            inclusion webinars to inform women about electric transportation   important component in Li-ion batteries.”
            and to get far more women involved,” says Foli. “We are engaging   Recommendations  to develop Li-ion  battery
            women’s organisations, such as the Businesswomen’s Association   manufacturing in SADC include: member states
            of South Africa.”
                                                                  aligning their policies to the SADC Industrialisation
                                                                  Strategy Roadmap and SADC Vision 2050 to fast-
            Foli explains that there is a tendency to exclude people from   track the adoption of EVs in the region; forming
            marginalised and vulnerable communities, particularly women,   a regional battery alliance; instituting capacity
            whose representation in leadership positions in sustainable   development interventions in the private and
            transport is low, and whose voices and needs are therefore often   public sectors and establishing a regional body
            not heard. “One example is in micro-mobility where the electric   for the testing and accreditation of Li-ion cells and
            bicycles, scooters and three-wheelers need to be designed to carry   batteries.
            at least one passenger – usually a baby or child – as women are
            still predominantly the caretaker at home. The vehicles also need   Future employment opportunities within EV
            to  have  a  compartment  for  groceries  and  personal  belongings.     battery manufacturing are predicted to surge, and
                                                                  battery energy storage has been identified as an
                                                                  untapped opportunity for the SADC owing to the
                                                                  increasing global demand for EVs.

                     The uYilo e-Mobility

                                                              In addition, we need to consider the safety issue of micro-mobility
               The national uYilo e-Mobility Programme was    in South Africa. The advantage is that it provides a far more
               established in 2013 as a multi-stakeholder     affordable electric mode of transport than passenger vehicles,
               collaborative programme focused on enabling,   which the majority of the population cannot afford.”
               facilitating and mobilising e-mobility in South Africa.
               uYilo is an initiative of the Technology Innovation   In phase three, uYilo will hold workshops with the various
               Agency, a public entity of the Department of   government  departments  and  entities  to  develop  reference
               Science and Innovation. The programme is hosted   documents for charging infrastructure and green procurement,
               within eNtsa, an engagement entity at Nelson   such as the procurement of electric vehicle fleets. “A draft Auto
               Mandela University.
                                                              Green Paper published in 2021 by the Department of Trade,
                                                              Industry and Competition has been issued for public comment,”
                                                              says Foli. “The Auto Green Paper promises to be a game changer
                                                              for the automotive industry, including a lower- and zero-rated duty
                                                              for identified, unique electric vehicle components.”

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