Page 84 - Research & Innovation Report 2020
P. 84
Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020–30) and the UN “Regrettably we are not there yet in the majority of South Africa’s
Sustainable Development Goals. approximately 26 000 government schools, so this digital tool is a
critical step forward to help our schools transition to a new era,”
The necessity for e-readiness and ICT capacity in our schools comments Prof van Greunen. “Dedicated and adequately trained
has been emphasised for years, with pledges from government ICT educators have to be identified and supported to strengthen
in 2013 to deliver free broadband access to 90% of South Africa the ICT readiness of a specific school and as such embed digital
by 2020 and 100% by 2030 through its SA Connect campaign. technology in the educator sector of South Africa.
The goal of South Africa’s 2004 White Paper on e-Education was
for every learner in the country to be ICT capable by 2013, and “Supportive policy environments and vibrant technological
for teachers to use ICT to enhance teaching and learning. Neither innovations and implementation are required to achieve access to
have been achieved. and use of ICTs in all South African schools. This would significantly
contribute to the basic and higher education landscape and
Now, with the advent of the pandemic, the urgency for e-readiness ultimately to employability. In many of our rural areas and
has been re-emphasised as learners need to be able to continue townships, it will bring technology to communities where there is
learning at home or wherever they are. no technology.
“Supportive policy environments and
vibrant technological innovations and
implementation are required to achieve
access to and use of ICTs in all South
African schools.”