Page 82 - Research & Innovation Report 2020
P. 82

                                            ENVIRONMENT AND TECHNOLOGY

                                                              It would appear that the fish traps were also used as live ‘fridges’.
                                                              This same practice happened all along the Mediterranean where
                                                              the  inhabitants  built  artificial  pools  near  the  sea  and  kept  their
                                                              captured fish there.

                                                              Dr  Minguzzi  has  studied  ancient  fish  traps  in  Australia,  England
                                                              and Japan and says that all over the world precolonial people used
                                                              fish traps in a very clever, sustainable way. “All the fish traps have
                                                              similar dimensions and positioning, clearly designed to take into
                                                              account the currents, tides and changing levels of water.”

                                                              The three researchers are co-authoring a paper on the subject,
                                                              which they aim to publish in 2022.

                                                              “In addition to the book, I was supposed to do a travelling
                                                              exhibition but the latter is impossible in these times and so in 2020
                                                              I started making a documentary instead, featuring all the chiefs
                                                              who have been co-researchers over the past five years. They talk
                                                              about heritage and heritage places that are particularly meaningful
                                                              to them; that are representative of their own place of belonging
                                                              but that was taken from them in the land occupation tyranny of
                                                              this country.”
            Cover of the book "The Spirit of Water Practices of cultural
            reappropriation.  Indigenous  heritage  sites  along  the  coast   The 40-minute documentary was launched during Heritage Month
            of  the  Eastern  Cape-South  Africa",  submitted  in  2020  and   (September) this year at an open air function outside the Nelson
            published in 2021 in co-authorship with the Khoisan chiefs of   Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum. “We aim to show it around
            Nelson Mandela Bay.
                                                              South Africa and internationally,” says Dr Minguzzi.

            Dr  Francesca  Porri from the South African Institute for Aquatic   Her multifaceted work addresses the power of indigenous
            Biodiversity (SAIAB).                             lessons from the past – how human beings can enhance natural
                                                              biodiversity instead of destroying it. And at the same time, as
            “We started investigating and sampling the early developmental   SAIAB’s Dr Porri puts it: “Magda is courageously tackling the
            stages of fish larvae living in the stone-walled fish traps at Cape   much-needed – and delicate – question of the reappropriation
            Recife,” she explains. “According to Dr Porri, some of the fish traps   of their heritage values by Indigenous groups in South Africa;
            appear to have been deliberately kept as fish nurseries where the   values  that  were  forgotten  during  the  apartheid  regime  and
            fish larvae could develop, indicating the sustainable practices of   post-apartheid era. She is bringing back the voices of the
            the community.”                                   previously unheard.”

                              “ ... some of the fish traps appear to
                                have been deliberately kept as fish

                              nurseries where the fish larvae could

                               develop, indicating the sustainable

                                    practices of the community.”

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