Page 87 - Research & Innovation Report 2020
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management system is supplemented with an onboard solar array. “Each project in marine robotics is unique and includes complex
Lake and sea trials are underway, including a trial in collaboration with coupled systems of mechatronics, materials science, physics,
the University of Cape Town to measure how much power a vessel advanced manufacturing processes and design,” says Young.
would use in extreme temperatures, notably in Antarctica at -60°C.” “The MRU also contributes to creating competence in designing
and optimising solutions in support of maritime sciences using
MRU researchers are collaborating with the faculty’s Advanced sophisticated software, advanced hardware, data management
Mechatronics Technology Centre to build an ocean glider to and communication systems.”
replace the use of research vessels. The drone carries sensors
that measure water temperature, salinity and fluorescence. It is Since its launch in 2019, the MRU has secured several partnerships
also used to calibrate satellite data. The ocean glider can cover and support, including funding from the South African International
hundreds of kilometres at sea using very little energy from its Maritime Institute (SAIMI). SAIMI was established in 2014 by
rechargeable battery pack. Operation Phakisa for the Oceans Economy to focus on building,
research and innovation, skills development and advocacy in the
The MRU researchers are also collaborating with the South African maritime environment.
Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB) on video data analysis –
developing a computer model that can identify fish species, count The Executive Dean of EBET, Professor Ben van Wyk, introduced
them and create a numerical model of what the abundancy is. the MRU’s research to Montpellier University in France, which led to
This would replace physically counting them and naturally save collaborative funding agreement through which a researcher from
significant amounts of research time. Additionally, a Memorandum Montpellier will be placed at the Nelson Mandela University for
of Understanding with SAIAB is in the Mandela University approval a year. Engineer Karen Godary-Dejean is the selected researcher
process. SAIAB’s list of projects require marine robotic support and and she will join the team at Mandela University as soon as the
the institute offers significant bursary opportunities for EBET PhD, pandemic permits.
master’s and final year projects.
“Each project in marine robotics
is unique and includes complex
coupled systems of mechatronics,
materials science, physics, advanced
manufacturing processes and design.”
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