Page 92 - Research & Innovation Report 2020
P. 92

                                            ENVIRONMENT AND TECHNOLOGY

            “The poverty level in informal settlements is evident in the space
            constraints, overcrowding, lack of outdoor space, and overlapping
            or clustered house designs,” says Prof Mbanga. “These features
            make physical distancing and self-quarantine impractical, and are   3 200 recorded informal
            a conducive environment for the rapid spread of communicable
            diseases.”                                                       settlements

            They observed that many people in Walmer E did not have masks   South African government reports suggest that
            on and mandatory distance of 1.5–2.0m between people was not   between 2002 and 2016 informal settlements in
            adhered to at all. “At the market we observed ‘a business as usual’   South  Africa  have increased  from 300  to  2  225.
            atmosphere, with close to half the people not wearing masks,” says   By May 2020 assessed and recorded informal
            Prof Makasa. “They were transacting on the street, selling whatever   settlements in South Africa were said to be around
            merchandise they had. These included apples, vegetables, bananas,   3 200, and still growing in number. However, it is
            pears, potatoes, nail polish, wigs and hats. A group of bus drivers   not easy to confirm how many informal settlements
            waiting to load passengers were clustered together smoking   exist in South Africa, as shacks spring up on a
            cigarettes, which they shared freely. They wore no masks.”  daily basis. Based on existing knowledge, about
                                                                  1,3-million households, translating to almost five
            “We then observed that out of the ten buses that loaded in our   million people, live in informal settlements in the
            presence, about four drivers drove off without putting their masks   highly dense urban settlements in and around
            on. Most passengers arrived at the bus station either with their   the major metropolitan cities of Cape Town,
            masks in their hands or pockets. Some even had their masks under   Johannesburg, eThekwini, Buffalo City, Nelson
            their chins. We observed that very few people wore their masks   Mandela Bay and Mangaung.
            properly as they approached the buses. They only did this as they
            embarked on a bus, so at least every passenger had a mask on as
            the bus drove off. Generally, bus stops and the buses themselves
            were still as crowded as in pre-pandemic days. This makes them
            clear incubators and COVID-19 hotspots.”

            The study has highlighted that handling pandemics in countries
            with high rates of urban poverty is very complex and can end
            up  being  ineffective.  This  calls  for  the  need  to  formulate  and
            implement bespoke strategies and innovative policies.

            “The COVID-19 pandemic has spotlighted the numerous
            deficiencies  in  our  informal  settlements,”  says  Prof  Mbanga.  “It
            triggers bigger questions about the character of the South African
            democracy – that at times tends to forget about the needs and
            circumstances of its financially impoverished constituencies when
            faced by crises. To effectively mitigate the effects of the pandemic,
            requires a complete transformation of the way the South African
            everyday life of the urban poor is played out.”

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