Page 29 - Thetha Issue 6
P. 29
with careful evaluation by our water
Remote platforms and specialists, since we are acutely
the hybrid approach aware of the negative impact these
can have on groundwater reserves.
Dr Gaathier Mahed, a
The University’s digital platforms
and tools grew significantly geoscientist from the Faculty of
throughout the pandemic Science, has proposed Managed
period. Today, we have a hybrid Aquifer Recharge (MAR) as a
system of learning, teaching supplementary, sustainable water
and working, with a mix of face- source. Water is extracted from a
to-face and online eLearning deep underground aquifer when
spaces and meeting platforms. required, such as during a water
The system is maturing crisis, and then recharged as water
into an institutional digital availability increases so as not to
transformation strategy. deplete the aquifers.
Living with load-shedding
Water security When load-shedding began several
In terms of rainfall, the Metro and years ago, we assessed ways to
parts of the Eastern Cape have had a reduce our electricity use and
seven-year drought, with catchment augment the supply to mitigate
areas receiving below-average the negative impact on University
precipitation. It has underscored the activities.
crucial relevance of effective water
resource management; how we use, • We installed generators in key areas.
store and save water sustainably. • Photovoltaic installations are being
To address the reality of running implemented, providing 30% of
out of water, we accelerated our campus daytime energy.
existing water strategy across • We are adopting a University-
all campuses. wide energy efficiency strategy to
A water metering and water eliminate electricity waste.
pressure system was introduced
to help detect and immediately fix The pandemic period
water leaks and burst pipes, and we At the onset of COVID-19, we
launched a submetering project to formed a coronavirus task team,
measure and regulate usage. collaborating with the Metro’s
A national issue is that we use health joint operations centre,
potable water for everything, including EC Department of Health, and
flushing toilets, washing cars and others to better manage the health
watering gardens, when non-potable challenges facing the University
sources should be used instead. At and city.
Mandela, we are installing non-potable We had to ensure that we could
water systems, and our new residences finish the 2020 and 2021 academic
and sports fields use treated municipal years and do everything in our power
return effluent (RE) water. to limit the number of people who
Over the years, we have also contracted the virus and fell ill.
increased our use of boreholes, We managed campus lockdown
and reopening, and ramped up the
laptop campaign to ensure students
and staff had devices for remote
learning and working. We also
designed a system allowing students
living in areas lacking connectivity
and/or which were completely
unsuitable for studying, to return to
on-campus student residences or
off-campus housing in the Metro,
providing data and ensuring Wi-Fi
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