Page 25 - Thetha Issue 6
P. 25


            Online education – where is SA?

            Time is not on our side. Our learners urgently need access to online education and all the incredible
            e-resources that should be rolled out to every single school in the country. By Professor Darelle van
            Greunen, Director of the Centre for Community Technologies (CCT), Nelson Mandela University

                    hen South African schools   communications technology (ICT)
                    were closed during the    landscape is rapidly evolving.     “The challenge is
            Wpandemic, online learning           A good example is the new
            was not an option for most, due to a   Abrehot public library in Addis   not that we don’t
            deficit of infrastructure, devices and   Ababa, Ethiopia, an initiative of the   have strategies;
            skills in educational technologies.  prime minister, spanning 19 000
               During a recent visit to East   square metres in the heart of the   it’s that we lack
            Africa, it became evident that    city. We went there on a Sunday and
            South Africa is fast falling behind   it was packed with young people   implementation,
            in the advancement of technology   sitting and reading and working on   and this must
            in education and a range of       their laptops.
            different spaces, as is happening in   There is 5G internet throughout   change”
            countries like Ethiopia, Uganda and   and the whole four-storey library
            Kenya, where the information and   is a user-friendly, people’s space.

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