Page 24 - Thetha Issue 6
P. 24


                                                                         Culumanco Komanisi celebrates TANKS’ successes
                                                                         with Mandela University Computing Sciences
                                                                         Professor Jean Greyling.

                                                                                “We believe this

                                                                                is a solution from
                                                                                Africa for Africa

                                                                                and therefore our
                                                                                dream is to take
                                                                                coding into the

                                                                                whole continent”

                                                                                have been awarded high school
                                                                                scholarships by AWS vice-president
                                                                                and Mandela Uni alumnus David
                                                                                Brown, with hopes of more sponsors
                                                                                coming forward in future.
                                                                                  TANKS has notched up several
                                                                                awards, including being one of 10
                                                                                winners in the international Falling
                           Coding without computers                             Walls Science Breakthroughs of the
                                                                                Year 2021. In 2019, it was chosen as
               TANKS was developed in 2017 by Nelson Mandela University honours   one of 60 global projects presented
               student Byron Batteson: He  wanted to find a solution to the country’s   at UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week
               shortage of software developers by reaching children in disadvantaged   in Paris, France.
               communities with no access to computers.
                 Computing sciences professor Jean Greyling, Batteson’s supervisor,   Changing the lives of
               helped to make this vision a reality, by commercialising and rolling out   unemployed youth
               TANKS. Since then, RANGERS and BOATS have also been developed.   Greyling and his team, with the
                                                                                support of the Leva Foundation,
            commercialising and rolling out these   several countries. It was a project   are equipping young adults to run
            apps – to reach many more learners.  made possible thanks to global   coding workshops at schools across
               “We have a much bigger dream   sponsor Amazon Web Services (AWS)   the country – and to assist in the
            than South Africa. We believe this   InCommunities, national sponsors   competitions.
            is a solution from Africa for Africa   MiX Telematics and Transaction   By the end of July, they had
            and therefore our dream is to take   Junction, Gqeberha sponsors S4   trained 130 “coding evangelists”.
            coding into the whole continent,   Integration and VSC Solutions, and   “These are young unemployed
            and in this way, reach millions of   many others.                   people who showed an interest in
            learners across Africa. That’s why we   Even in the heavy lockdown days   the project. They don’t need to have
            recently rebranded the project as   of COVID, with a few tweaks that saw   a coding background – that’s the
            ‘Tangible Africa’.”               the BOATS app moving from physical   beauty of it,” Greyling said.
                                              tokens to toggling commands on the   Greyling and his team have also
            Get with the programme            phone, with scores emailed through,   trained around 1500 teachers in
            On Mandela Day, July 18, Greyling   Greyling was able to run several   South African and Namibia to run
            got a little bit closer to that dream   virtual tournaments.        coding clubs in schools without
            with a continent-wide RANGERS        After lockdown eased, face-to-  computer labs, and a further 600
            competition – run under the banner   face contests have also been run   teachers through teacher unions,
            “Coding 4 Mandela” – that  reached   successfully.                  who will in turn upskill an estimated
            over 6000 kids in 45 sites across    Some top-performing learners   20 000 educators countrywide.

            24 | Thetha Edition 6 | 2022
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