Page 20 - Thetha Issue 6
P. 20


                                                                                       “Dreams do

                                                                                   come true. I came
                                                                                     to this country
                                                                                    with nothing but
                                                                                   dreams, hope and

                  Popina Khumanda

            Long walk to freedom bears fruit for brave refugee

                 opina Khumanda travelled        The young entrepreneur has     my day to come … so that I could get
                 6000km on foot to South      also created a website for her hair   away from that pain and suffering.”
            P Africa after fleeing the        business, Urban Doll Factory, where   Diane and Popina escaped, and
            Democratic Republic of Congo to   she sells wigs and weaves online to   the younger girl was taken in by a
            escape captivity and abuse.       pay for rent, food and transport to   children’s home in Despatch. Barely
               Her traumatic childhood ended   university.                      able to read or write, Popina jumped
            in triumph with a Diploma in IT from   Her journey began 26 years ago   straight to Grade 4 within six months
            Mandela University.               in the village of Zongo. She grew up   and learnt to speak fluent Afrikaans.
               “Dreams do come true. I came to   climbing trees and running freely in   Her sister is now married with
            this country with nothing but dreams,   the Congo rainforest.       children, and employed.
            hope and determination,” says        When she was five, Popina’s      “This Diploma is in honour of the
            Popina, who started school at the   village was attacked by rebels who   refugees living in this country; to all
            age of 10. “Witnessing [my dreams]   killed many people, burned down   the girls who are being killed every
            come to life is overwhelming.”    huts and kidnapped little girls and   day, sold every day, and sexually,
               She is currently working at Cape   boys. She and her older sister, Diane,   physically and emotionally abused
            Town-based AgileHuts, where she   were taken to be traded for guns,   every day.
            is training to be a ScrumMaster.   oil, money and cars, while boys were   “I want you to know that I have
            Scrum is a framework for project   turned into soldiers.            been there – and finding the strength
            management that emphasises           During her five years in captivity,   to pull yourself out and say, ‘enough
            teamwork, accountability and      she was “raped, tortured, and lived in   is enough’, is not easy. I pray that my
            repeating progress towards a well-  pain. Watching so many people die,   story gives you strength, and gives
            defined goal.                     and I just kept waiting and praying for   you hope to fight for your dreams.”

            20 | Thetha Edition 6 | 2022
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