Page 39 - Thetha Issue 6
P. 39


             Gillian McAinsh asked a few Mandela graduates working at international, African and regional
             levels  for  their  forecasts  in  the  areas  of  investment,  banking  and  finance.
             Wherever they are in the world, and in their careers, there is a common
             thread to their responses. Despite the current global uncertainty,
             they all are clear that this turbulent time may in fact be an economic
             turning point – a chance to seize the new opportunities offered by
             a changed world.

            Johann Jooste

            What does the financial future hold?   Now based in London, this
            After all, just as the world was starting   Alumni Award recipient says the
            to recover from a global pandemic,   current economic upheaval could
            a war broke out between a world   prove to be “an opportunity for
            superpower and its neighbour.     the nimble”.
               Meanwhile in South Africa, power   “To answer the question ’what   generation and likely the next too.
            cuts, water shortages and political   does the financial future hold?’ is   “Financial market losses have
            uncertainty have complicated the   harder,” says Jooste.            always been recovered – the right
            forecast even more.                                                 strategy is patience,” says Jooste.
               The former Global CIO Office   ‘The right strategy                 “New and cheaper technologies,
            managing director, now CIO at     is patience’                      new ways to work remotely and
            Panagaea Wealth, Johan Jooste     “The pandemic has upended the     more localised supply chains all
            graduated with an honours degree in   world economic order in many   offer chances for those struggling to
            Economics in 1993, after completing   profound ways, and a war has broken   compete on size under globalisation
            his BCom Law and Economics the    out in Europe, which will have political   to thrive in a new era of increased
            year before.                      ramifications for the rest of our   localisation.”

                                              Krynauw Krüger

                                              Another Mandela alumnus now      mortgage repayments.”
                                              working in the UK, Krynauw Krüger,
                                              is founder director at Cresco    ‘This is an exciting period’
                                              Capital Ltd. Krüger completed    However, where there is turmoil,
                                              his BCom Hon, Finance, in 1999   change and flux, there is opportunity
                                              after his BCom Finance and       and as an entrepreneur in the
                                              Financial Management.            financial sector, this is an exciting
                                                 “Undoubtably inflation is     period, he says.
                                              wreaking havoc globally, with       Specifically, says Krüger, in the
                                              pent-up post-COVID-19 demand,    UK unemployment is near all-time
                                              near full employment in the UK and   lows due to Brexit’s impact on the
                                              the war in Ukraine being the main   European workforce.
                                              drivers,” he says.                  ”Entrepreneurs are using
                                                 “Central banks have started   technology to create efficiency
                                              raising interest rates in response but   gains through automation, and the
                                              have very limited room to manoeuvre   government is deploying incentives
                                              both due to increase of government   and grants in many sectors to
                                              cost of debt servicing and pressure   stimulate research and development
                                              on domestic households via       and growth.”

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