Page 40 - Thetha Issue 6
P. 40


            Mary Bomela

            Back on African soil, there are alumni   periods in history. However, with
            such as Mary Bomela who offer a   adversity comes opportunity,”
            rational yet upbeat perspective.  says Bomela.
               Bomela is CEO of the              “Many new businesses have
            Mineworkers Investment Company    emerged from people working
            (MIC) and is armed with several   remotely, there has been an
            degrees, starting with her BCom   increase in online shopping and
            from the then University of Port   entertainment as people have
            Elizabeth in 1995.                changed their lifestyles and
                                              maintained the changes post         “We as MIC are now funding
            ‘With adversity comes             lockdown.                         young black innovative businesses
            opportunity’                         “Recognising the need to       to help them scale up and there
            “The world, including South Africa, is   promote small businesses, there is a   are many more similar initiatives in
            recovering from one of the harshest   lot of money being made available.  the market.”

                                                                        Sandile Phillip

            Chartered accountant Sandile Phillip
            is regional head for FNB Business,
            and graduated from Mandela                                          public sector is needed to reignite
            University in 2005. He also sees                                    the economy.
            the world opening up again post-                                       “This requires effort from
            COVID-19, despite unique challenges                                 business, society and government
            faced by South Africa, and the                                      – local, provincial and national
            Eastern Cape in particular.                                         – and I’m encouraged to see
                                                                                more collaboration as shown by
            Collaboration is key                                                recent work done via Gift of the
            “The water crisis that we are faced                                 Givers, Nelson Mandela Metro
            with in Nelson Mandela Bay and                                      and the Nelson Mandela Bay
            the surrounding areas provides    and perhaps water desalination    Business Chamber.
            new economic opportunities for    plants with alternative renewable    “The financial services sector,
            innovative businesses to provide   energy mix to power these projects,   and FNB in particular, has developed
            alternative solutions,” he says.   and consequently job opportunities   innovative funding solutions to
               “For example, sustainable      for the citizens.”                fuel this important reigniting of
            water harvesting, borehole drilling,   Overall, Phillip believes more   the economy.”
            infrastructure maintenance projects   collaboration from private and

           Nadia Mannell

            More turbulence ahead             going to be turbulent for a while,”
            Nadia Mannell, co-founder         warns Mannell.
            and general partner of               The Mandela BA Media,
            Seed South Capital, is also chief   Communication and Culture graduate
            strategy officer and board member   sees “What does the financial
            for Women in Tech®, an international   future hold post-pandemic?” as a   trustless system, transparency,
            non-profit organisation on a mission   loaded question.             automated contracts, and greater
            to close the gender gap and to help   “My spliced answer would be that   security.
            women embrace technology.         the future of financial innovation is in   “With two billion people in the world
               “Technology innovation is born   blockchain technology, diversity and   making up the unbanked population,
            from necessity, and it’s clear that the   inclusion.                and South Africa on the top 20 list,
            financial sector needs an overhaul.   “The ultimate goal for blockchain   achieving access to digital identity
            With the change, comes disruption   is free transfer of values, faster and   and financial service inclusion is key
            before the new beginnings, and it’s   cheaper transactions, a decentralised   to a country’s future growth.”

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