Page 11 - Transformation Indaba Report
P. 11
the trAnsformAtion bArometer And the mAndelA university frAmework
dAy 1, presentAtion 1 │ Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof André Keet
The presentation by Professor André Keet, Deputy Vice- tion happening across the different divisions. He commend-
Chancellor Engagement and Transformation, covered five ed the small steps taken while noting how these hugely con-
areas: tribute to the way in which the University functions. However,
- a Reflection on the Transformation Conceptual Framework; despite positive trends achieved with regard to the ITP, our
- the Sectoral Transformation Barometer; University, like all other national and international universities,
- grounding of Transformation; face key challenges pertaining to the transformation project.
- the Economies of Institutional Life; and
- the scholarship of Sharon Stein, a visiting Professor. a Well-defined iTp – leading The secTor
concepTualisaTion of TransformaTion The Transformation Conceptual Framework adopted by Uni-
versity’s Council in November 2010 forms the basis of the
Prof Keet suggested that two crucial events (the Reitz incident first ITP, which is well-defined and has sufficiently steered
and the #FeesMustFall movement) have shaped how we view Mandela University in a direction that affirms and confirms
the university as a social project. This, coupled with the drive the education transformation trajectory. The current ITP also
towards academic excellence, has propelled the university considers the broad themes of the Transformation Barometer,
space in fantastic and generative ways. Prof Keet pointed out including Transformation goals aligned to the transformation
that Nelson Mandela University displays transformation capa- dimensions of institutional culture, transforming the academic
bilities beyond what he has experienced in other parts of project, equity and redress and sustainable resource steward-
the higher education sector since the endurance, legitimacy, ship. He acknowledged that the well-defined and all-encom-
and rationale of what the University is trying to achieve are passing ITP set Mandela University ahead of many other
firmly rooted in the idea of a post-Apartheid University. We, Universities in the sector. He invited participants to “reflexively
however, need to revisit and review what it is that we are let our minds go, to ascertain how the different sets of
doing so that we maintain momentum. discourses pull together over the past 12 years”.
Prof Keet acknowledged the work done at all levels of the Uni- background To The TransformaTion baromeTer
versity and indicated that over the years, the Transformation
project had grown and taken shape, with much better integra- Prof Keet shared how considerable debate had arisen in 2014,
the pre-Barometer period. He provided the example of the
Equity Index debate and the multiple discussions and intel-
lectual responses (9 publications) it evoked when the Equity
Index was published. The Equity Index work resulted in the
discussion undertaken at HESA (Higher Education South
Africa) level around working towards a more enhanced Trans-
formation Framework for the sector. The large chapter on curri-
culum and the knowledge project reflected in the Soudien
Report of 2008 served as the basis of these discussions. The
centrality of the transformation of the knowledge project has
been guiding the sector for more than 14 years.
origins of The TransformaTion baromeTer
Prof Keet and Prof Derrick Swartz were tasked with draft-
ing a Transformation Barometer, which has generally been
accepted by the Transformation Managers Forum (TMF) as
a blueprint for developing the Institutional ITPs. He shared
how the Barometer had led to intellectual pursuits – an
international publication of reflections on the Barometer
NelsoN MaNdela UNiversity • traNsforMatioN iNdaba • 2022 5