Page 15 - Transformation Indaba Report
P. 15

the stAte of trAnsformAtion in the south AfriCAn higher

            eduCAtion seCtor, Post-soudien rePort

            dAy 1, presentAtion 2  │ Associate Professor Nelson Mandela University, Prof Crain Soudien

                                                               ment levels during this period.  Prof Soudien felt we still need
        presenTaTion sTrucTure
                                                               to give more visibility and credit to the multitude of incredible
                                                               responses to the Soudien Report, for example, Transformation
         - Introduction briefly summarises some of the main features
           since 2008, when dramatic events unfolded at UFS and how   Charters, T&L initiatives such as Fort Hare’s Grounding
           he and many other colleagues were asked to analyse what   Programme, and institutional culture initiatives such as UFS’s
           was happening in the HE and submit a report. Phase 1:    Courageous Conversations.  HESA responded by establishing
           2008 (= UFS events)– 2015.  Phase 2:  2015 (= student   strategy groups.  DHET had various interventions such as HE
           uprising) to present time.                          summits, inquiries, charters and, importantly, establishing an
         - A sociology of the university/HE – talks to many of Andre’s   oversight committee (TOC) in 2012, a direct result of the
           issues he focused on.                               2008 Report.
         - A look at the transformation of the last fourteen years –
           what happened during the 2 phases, especially from 2015   phase 2: 2015-presenT
           onwards, and the TOC’s work where annual reports, ITPs,
           and transformation reports were analysed. Suggested: we   Student uprisings dominated the HE environment from 2015
           look at individual or standout institutions and do case   to 2018 (= 3-year period). The Transformation agenda took
           studies.                                            a significantly different turn at this time. Within institutions
         - A Typology of where the institutions are.           that were characterised by a focus on student well-being (an
                                                               issue universities are forced to respond to), GBV (a low priority
        phase 1: 2008-2015                                     issue in terms of transformation), language policy, engaged
                                                               scholarship, decolonisation of the curriculum (in response to
                                                               student protests). USAf (formerly HESA) saw lots happening
        Prof Soudien explained how Phase 1 was the phase where in-
                                                               around the Transformation Barometer (2016). At the DHET
        stitutions were focused on responding to the Soudien 2008
                                                               level, we saw the 2015 Summit, transformation conferences,
        Report.  All institutions were found to have active programmes
                                                               ITPs, NGAP – transforming the demographics, and fee-free
        of engagement as a response to the Report.  General features
        included what happened at the institution, HESA, and depart-
                                                               esTablishing TransformaTion offices

                                                               In response to effecting transformation, 11 HE institutions
                                                               established offices in 2016, and 13 institutions have no trans-
                                                               formation offices.  Prof Soudien identifies resourcing of offices
                                                               as a significant issue because within budgeting processes; it is
                                                               difficult to justify spending funds on transformation issues if not
                                                               yet accommodated in planning. Many HEIs established trans-
                                                               formation offices with very minimal budgets. The question of
                                                               the well-being of transformation officers/staff themselves is very
                                                               important. TMF meetings served as counselling sessions due
                                                               to transformation officers’ experiences in some institutions, a
                                                               very complicated sociological space. (See the table on next

       NelsoN MaNdela UNiversity                    •                     traNsforMatioN iNdaba                    •                     2022      9
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