Page 16 - Transformation Indaba Report
P. 16

higher educaTion sociology                             emerging sociology for sa higher educaTion

        Prof Soudien explained that the sector does not yet have a   Prof Soudien advised that we are developing our own HE
        sociology of higher education.  One for Basic Education  sociology, originating from the Higher Education Act of 1997.
        (although  50  years  old)  focuses on  the  grade  K-12  school   He suggested we use Trow’s categories as ‘placeholders’
        experience. Apart from the work of HE sociologist Martin   to analyse what is happening inside SA universities. He
        Trow, we don’t yet have the analytic frameworks to understand   believes our sociology is not yet sufficient in dealing with
        the HE structure/entity.  However, Martin Trow does provide   all the complexities, especially regarding how power works.
        beneficial frameworks in eight categories, namely:     Martin Trow thinks of power only in administrative terms.
        1.     Attitudes to success                            Therefore, Prof Soudien suggests the discourses of power
        2.     Functions of HE                                 and how it operates in disciplines are what we need to under-
        3.     Curriculum                                      stand because power and identities are constituted in these
        4.     Institutional characteristics                   disciplinary engagements that happen inside a university. He
        5.     Locus of power                                  reported that a summary of the general features emerging
        6.     Academic standards                              from the annual reports concern:
        7.     Access and selection                            1.     Governance, Leadership and Management
        8.     Internal governance                             2.     Higher education experience
                                                               3.     Teaching and Learning
                                                               4.     Research and Knowledge Production
                                                               5.     Societal Relevance and Community Engagement

           1. Governance, leadership and management: general features (slide)

                  • Stronger emphasis towards internal matters of equity transformation in some cases and a stronger emphasis on
                     outward-focused relevance in others.
                  • Institutional Forums barely complying with the law in their operations. At the same time, several examples of IFs
                     adding value to the governance process and advancing transformation. 1/5 not functional.
                  • Proliferation of transformation-related structures and units without a clear relationship with the IFs.
                  • One institution had significantly changed its Senate composition during 2018/19 in order to make the structure
                     more widely representative, moving away from a traditional-hybrid Senate towards a more democratic one.
                  • Student (and staff) activism, stimulated new interventions - decolonisation, fee-free higher education and the
                     insourcing of support staff.
                  • Gender-based violence became an increasing focus of anti-discrimination/anti-harassment measures in 2019 with
                     many institutions creating or revising related policies and strengthening their procedures.

       NelsoN MaNdela UNiversity                    •                     traNsforMatioN iNdaba                    •                     2022      10
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