Page 30 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
P. 30

the CCC sought to bring together expertise from   anti-GBV  training  for  first  responders.  Apart  from
              various faculties, fields and disciplines to facilitate a   sourcing  external funding, the  University  also  set
              transdisciplinary approach to engaging with society   up a  Convergence Fund to provide an avenue for
              on different levels.                             employees at the University to contribute towards
                                                               COVID-19 initiatives. These funds were disbursed
              Under the CCC’s purview, Mandela University      through the CCW in the form of food parcels and
              contributed in various ways to the production and   other material relief.
              distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs),
              such as cloth masks, face shields, and hand sanitiser.   With the lifting of the COVID-19 regulations and the
              The University also played a vital role in providing   national state of disaster, the CCC has since been
              ICT solutions for tracking, tracing, and managing   dissolved and reconceptualised. However, the cross-
              data related to COVID-19 cases, producing models   functional, transdisciplinary work of the CCC will
              to understand the behaviour of the pandemic more   be integrated into the engagement matrix of the
              generally, and modelling the economic effects of   University to establish new and revitalised affiliations,
              the pandemic. Furthermore, Mandela University    systems of working and  means of accountability to
              provided educational resources on the pandemic for   build a transformative, responsive university.
              use in campaigns extending beyond the University
              to promote behavioural change and to assist      Ocean Sciences
              stakeholders in making informed decisions regarding   The United Nations proclaimed 2021-2030 as
              the COVID-19 vaccine.                            the  International  Decade of  Ocean  Science for
                                                               Sustainable  Development  in an  effort to mobilise
              The CCC also coordinated the engagement of the   stakeholders worldwide behind a common framework
              University with societal challenges  exacerbated   that will serve as a pivotal driver in protecting the
              by the pandemic. Within the Engagement and       world’s oceans. With the launch of the first dedicated
              Transformation Portfolio (ETP), the  Community   Ocean Sciences Campus in South Africa in September
              Convergence Workstream (CCW) was convened        2017, Nelson Mandela University began an exciting
              to draw on the expertise of those in the portfolio   journey towards becoming the “go-to” destination
              to initiate projects on tele-counselling, sustainable   for Ocean Sciences.
              food systems, archiving and citizen journalism, and
                                                               The Ocean Sciences Campus is a hub for creative,
                                                               pioneering transdisciplinary, postgraduate ocean
                                                               sciences research, teaching, innovation, and
                                                               engagement that builds and maintains critical mass
                                                               in key niche areas spanning the three interdependent
                                                               spheres  of sustainability,  namely,  promoting
                                  The University               sustainable livelihoods for coastal communities
                                                               by tapping the economic potential of the oceans
                                     also set up a             while preserving marine biodiversity and ecological
                                                               integrity for the benefit of future generations. This
                                  Convergence                  is enabled and supported through infrastructure
                                                               developments funded by the Department of Higher
                              Fund to provide                  Education and Training, which have made it possible
                                                               for the University to invest in modernised laboratories,
                                   an avenue for               facilities, and equipment on the campus.

                                   employees at                As part of our ocean sciences strategy, all faculties

                                                               have been scaling up academic qualifications at under-
                              the University to                and postgraduate levels, developing short learning
                         contribute towards                    programmes (SLPs) to respond to the continuing
                                                               professional development needs of various sectors
                      COVID-19 initiatives.                    of the oceans economy, and harnessing inter- and
                                                               transdisciplinary research and innovation capabilities

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