Page 28 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
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6.  Strengths and opportunities                  curriculum development, and assessment. This is
                                                               largely based on the liberatory education philosophy
              The University’s Vision 2030 strategic aspirations   and work of Paulo Freire, that liberates human
              have been crafted against the backdrop of the    agency and a sense of coming not only to know, but
              global, continental, and national development goals   to own the knowledge and be empowered by it.
              articulated in the United Nations 2030 Sustainable
              Development Goals, the African Union Agenda 2063,   Repositioning engagement and
              and the South African 2030 National Development   transformation
              Plan (NDP) respectively. The formulation of Vision   The five-year anniversary in July 2022 of renaming
              2030 has revealed distinctive intellectual niches and   the institution to Nelson Mandela University
              strategic opportunities that need to be leveraged   marked  the  start  of  a  year-long  programme  of
              by Mandela University as it seeks to chart its   institution-wide  activities  that  give  intellectual  and
              future strategic directions and game-changing    programmatic expression to the Mandela name
              differentiators.                                 and  identity.  The  University  is  widely  recognised
                                                               for  its  engaged  scholarship,  which  seeks  to  co-
              Humanising, student-centric approaches           create pioneering, African-purposed solutions to
              While there is no blueprint for the future of higher   complex global challenges. This is part of a broader
              education, socially conscious students expect their   strategy  to  reconfigure  the  University  in  alignment
              universities to provide them with inclusive learning   with a reimagined and non-paternalistic paradigm of
              environments and experiences that enable them to   engagement that can more meaningfully contribute
              fully succeed in their academic and extracurricular   to alleviating human precarity.
              pursuits. This includes committing to providing
              quality online or in-person wellness, inclusion and   As  part  of  the  organisational  design  process,
              student life initiatives that equip graduates to drive   a  new  executive  management  portfolio
              progressive societal change.                     was established, rooted in the interplay to
                                                               provide intellectual and strategic leadership
              As a student-centric, comprehensive university,   of  engagement  and  transformation  in support of
              the focus on promoting holistic student access for   the vision, strategic objectives, and core academic
              success remains paramount especially given that   missions of the University. In so doing, Mandela
              Mandela University draws more than two thirds of   University  has  responded  to  a  key  dilemma  facing
              its incoming students from the Eastern Cape. The   the higher education sector, nationally and globally,
              University has been systematically increasing access   namely, engaging authentically and purposefully
              to  higher  education  for  first  generation  students   with the current socio-economic, environmental,
              from quintile one to three schools,  more than half   cultural, and political challenges of our time and
              (59%) of which depend on NSFAS funding. Through   place through social embeddedness.
              significant  investments  in  wraparound  student
              support, the University has improved its success   The Engagement and Transformation Report (2020-
              rate from 76% in 2010 to 85% in 2021. This is quite   2021) narrates the exciting journey of building
              a remarkable achievement within the context of   this  “new”  portfolio  over  the  past  three years.  It
              repeated disruptions caused by the coronavirus   represents a key expression of Vision 2030 and the
              pandemic in 2020/21.                             growth within the portfolio has been first-rate. Central
                                                               to renewal is the work of the Transformation and the
              Mandela University conceptualises student success   Engagement Offices. The Chair for Critical Studies in
              broadly  to  include  curricular  and  co-curricular   Higher Education Transformation (CriSHET) and the
              student life and development interventions aimed   Transdisciplinary Institute for Mandela Studies (TIMS)
              at cultivating socially conscious graduates who are   constitute key intellectual differentiators for the
              responsible citizens capable of transferring their   University. TIMS is intended to drive the University’s
              knowledge and skills across multiple contexts for   pursuit of becoming the pre-eminent academic
              the benefit of society. In facilitating holistic student   expression of Mandela and hosts workshops and
              access for success, the University has adopted   events to foster a vibrant intellectual culture and
              a humanising pedagogical approach as the         advance social justice.  Signing a Memorandum of
              philosophical underpinning for learning, teaching,   Understanding (MoU) with the Nelson Mandela

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