Page 32 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
P. 32

With social justice at                   Partnerships with other educational institutions,

                                                               government, civil society, and key industry players
                       its core, the medical                   are  in  place  to  ensure  a  collective  drive  towards
                                                               embracing the untapped potential of the oceans
                   programme embraces                          economy in a sustainable manner. To this end, the
                           a comprehensive                     University serves as the headquarters of the South
                                                               Africa International Maritime Institute (SAIMI), which
                       primary healthcare                      was established in 2014 to enhance the contribution
                                                               of  the  maritime  sector  to  the  economy  of  South
                                         approach              Africa and Africa by effectively coordinating quality
                                                               education, training, and research with partner
                              underpinned by                   institutions.

                            the four pillars of                Medical School
                                                               Being better prepared for the next pandemic is a
                                         medicine.             high priority, both nationally and internationally.
                                                               This requires investments in  upgrading public
                                                               health infrastructure and modernising health care
                                                               systems, including the wider use of telemedicine and
                                                               virtual health.

                                                               Although South Africa is making progress in
                                                               promoting  good health and well-being, key
                                                               challenges facing the healthcare sector include poor
                                                               access to quality, universal healthcare. Tackling the
                                                               inter-linked challenges of poverty and health starts
              that  contribute  to  addressing  global  sustainability   with a recognition that treating patients medically
              challenges confronting our oceans. Examples of   needs to be accompanied by integrated approaches
              exciting  postgraduate  qualifications  that  have   to health care that address the underlying social
              been  accredited  over  the  past  five  years  include   determinants of health,  such as access to decent
              the Honours in Marine Engineering, as well as    housing, education, and social services.
              Masters’ programmes in Maritime Studies, Maritime
              Management, and Ocean Governance.                It is widely known that South Africa has a shortage
                                                               of  medical  doctors  and  adequately  trained  health
              Developing our ocean sciences niches leverages   care professionals required to improve access to
              off  existing  strategic  advantages  such  as  our  five   quality health care services. This underscores the
              NRF-funded South African Research Chairs Initiative   need for Mandela University’s  Medical School to
              (SARChI) Chairs in the domains of marine ecology,   offer medical and health professions education in
              oceanography and marine food security, climate   a unique, community-focused setting. With social
              change, oceans governance and the law of the seas   justice at its core, the medical programme embraces
              in Africa, marine spatial planning, and ocean cultures   a comprehensive primary healthcare approach
              and heritage. Various research entities promote   underpinned by the four pillars of medicine: disease
              pioneering research  and innovation in  support of   prevention, health promotion, treatment and
              global, continental, and national endeavours to   rehabilitative medicine.
              unlock the economic potential of the oceans in a
              manner that promotes sustainable livelihoods for   With the third cohort of 100 medical students
              marginalised  coastal communities.  These entities   admitted in 2023, the University is well on its way to
              include the Institute for Coastal and Marine Research   producing fit-for-purpose, civically minded medical
              (CMR), the FishFORCE Academy, the South African   professionals committed to making a difference in
              Environmental Observation Network (SAEON), the   the lives of vulnerable, underserviced communities
              African Centre for Coastal Paleoscience, and the   in our country. The accreditation of the fourth year
              Marine Robotics Unit.                            of  the  medical  programme  took  place successfully

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