Page 37 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
P. 37

aimed at engaging South African youth in community   basic income grant aimed specifically at unemployed
              service activities to strengthen service delivery,   youth; abolishing the requirement for experience for
              build patriotism, promote nation-building, foster   entry-level jobs; providing access to a basic package
              social cohesion and to assist the youth to acquire   of support, work-readiness training and practical
              occupational skills necessary to access sustainable   experience; equipping young people with skills in
              livelihood opportunities.  The National Youth Service,   key growth sectors; and providing grant funding and
              will  recruit  its  first  cohort  of  50  000  young  people   business support for 100 000 young entrepreneurs
              in 2022/23, creating opportunities for the youth to   over the next three years.
              contribute to their communities, develop skills and
              enhance employability.                           Against this backdrop, Mandela University graduates
                                                               need to be adaptable lifelong learners with
              The government has also introduced the  Social   transferable knowledge, skills, and competencies that
              Employment Fund to create a further 50 000 work   can be applied in various contexts. Mandela University
              opportunities by accessing the capability of non-  tracks graduate employability by administering the
              governmental organisations in areas such as urban   Graduate Destination Survey (GDS) every two years.
              agriculture, early childhood development, public   In 2020/21, it was encouraging to note that 69% of
              art, and tackling gender-based violence. In addition,   all graduate respondents indicated that they were
              the  National Youth Policy (NYP) outlines various   either employed, pursuing postgraduate studies, or
              interventions that can be introduced to improve   working and pursuing further studies simultaneously
              youth unemployment, such as: introducing a new   at the time the survey was administered. Furthermore,
                                                               74% of the employed respondents indicated that
                                                               they  were  employed  in  a  job  related  to  their  field
                                                               of study. Of the 27.5% of the graduate respondents
                                                               who were still seeking employment, the main
                                                               reasons provided for not yet being able to secure a
                                                               job included a lack of work experience, lack of jobs
                                                               available, lack of opportunities in their field of study,
                                                               and being considered either under- or overqualified
                                                               for the position applied for.
                         It was encouraging                    To address these challenges, student entrepreneurship

                            to note that 69%                   is a key focus area for Mandela University, with the
                                                               dedicated  Madibaz  Youth  Entrepreneurship Lab
                               of all graduate                 established to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem
                                                               within the institution. Furthermore, the University
                                   respondents                 is part of Entrepreneurship Development in Higher
                                                               Education (EDHE), which is a national platform
                                  indicated that               for the advancement of entrepreneurship at
                                                               universities. Through these initiatives, the University
                              they were either                 is  implementing  various  programmatic initiatives
                                                               such as Student Employability and Entrepreneurship
                     employed, pursuing                        Development (SEED) to develop employability
                                                               skills, as well as an entrepreneurial mindsets, while
                                 postgraduate                  also giving students opportunities to expand their
                                                               professional networks and learn from experienced
                      studies, or working                      peers through a mentorship programme.

                                  and pursuing                 Strategic resource mobilisation and

                               further studies                 responsible stewardship
                                                               Mandela University embraces the  United Nations
                               simultaneously.                 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which
                                                               expands the conceptualisation of sustainability

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