Page 41 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
P. 41


              Strategic Overview

              The Vision 2030 Strategic Plan outlines the      • We create and sustain an environment that
              University’s vision, mission, values, educational   encourages and supports a vibrant research,
              purpose and philosophy, distinctive knowledge     scholarship, and innovation culture.
              paradigm, desired graduate attributes, strategic   • We  engage  in  mutually  beneficial  partnerships
              focus areas and  enablers. This is depicted below   locally, nationally, and globally to enhance social,
              and the narrative that follows elaborates on each   economic, and ecological sustainability.
                                                               3.  Values
              1.  Vision
                                                               The Vision 2030 stakeholder engagement processes
              To be a dynamic, African university recognised for   re-affirmed the importance of all students, employees
              its leadership in generating cutting-edge knowledge   and alumni living the University’s core values. We
              for a sustainable future.                        therefore hold ourselves accountable to embodying
                                                               our  values  as  we  execute  our  vision  and  mission,
              2.  Mission                                      design of our academic programmes and curricula,
                                                               engage in our academic core missions, deliver our
              To offer a diverse range of life-changing educational   professional, administrative and support services,
              experiences for a better world. To achieve our vision   and engage with our stakeholders.
              and mission, we will ensure that:
                                                               Respect for diversity
              • Our  values  inform  and  define  our  institutional   • We  reflect  and  serve  diverse  regional,  national,
                ethos and distinctive educational purpose and   and global communities.
                philosophy.                                    • We promote an open society where critical
              • We are committed to promoting equity of access   scholarship and the expression of a multiplicity of
                and opportunities to give students the best chance   opinions and ideas are actively encouraged.
                of success in their pursuit of lifelong learning and   • We foster an environment in which diversity is
                diverse educational goals.                      appreciated, respected, and celebrated.
              • We provide a vibrant, stimulating and richly diverse   • We foster a culture that welcomes and  respects
                environment that enables employees and students   diverse identities, heritages, and life experiences.
                to reach their full potential.
              • We develop graduates and diplomates to be      Excellence
                responsible global citizens capable of critical   • We encourage the pursuit of the highest levels of
                reasoning, innovation, and adaptability.        academic, civic, and personal achievement.

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