Page 48 - VC 5 Year Review Report 2022
P. 48
– Reconciling tensions implies the acquisition of • Advancement of disciplinary depth while embracing
a deeper understanding of opposing positions, collaborative inter- and transdisciplinary approaches
developing arguments to support their own to address complex and intractable challenges.
position, and find practical solutions to dilemmas
and conflicts. 7. Educational Purpose and Philosophy
– Taking responsibility is connected to the ability
to reflect upon and evaluate one’s own actions, We strive to be in the service of society through our
experience, and education to achieve personal, learning and teaching, research, innovation, and
ethical, and societal goals. engagement. To achieve this, we:
• Learning and innovation competencies are • Commit to liberating the full human potential
increasingly being recognised as the skills that of our employees and students in the pursuit of
distinguish graduates who are prepared for responsible, democratic global citizenship.
increasingly complex life and work environments • Advance the frontiers of knowledge to contribute
in the 21st century. Such competencies include to a socially just and sustainable future in the
intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, creativity, service of society.
communication, and collaboration. • Adopt innovative, humanising pedagogies and
• Life and career skills need rigorous attention practices that affirm diverse knowledge paradigms
to ensure that graduates are equipped to and world views.
confidently navigate life and work environments • Inspire our stakeholders to be passionate about
in the globally competitive information age. and respectful of an ecologically diverse and
Such skills include professionalism and integrity, sustainable natural environment.
resilience and persistence, adaptive expertise, • Are known for our values-driven, inclusive
and exercising progressive agency to bring about institutional culture that encourages all members
constructive change. of the University community to contribute optimally
to the vibrancy of intellectual discourse and the
The University acknowledges the importance of respectful contestation of ideas.
students exercising their own agency in advancing • Place students at the centre of all we do to enable
their personal development and growth while them to deploy their agency during their studies
they are studying at Mandela University. As part of and in their future lives as alumni.
Vision 2030, our intention is to articulate a broad • Seek to address the grand challenges confronting
framework of generic graduate attributes, which can society and the planet through the co-creation of
be customised and elaborated on by faculties and sustainable solutions with all our publics.
professional support divisions to address the specific
learning and teaching requirements of various As an elaboration of our values, distinctive knowledge
disciplines and professions. paradigm and educational purpose and philosophy,
we recognise that an inclusive institutional culture
6. Distinctive Knowledge Paradigm is a foundational enabler of excellence in all its
Nelson Mandela University adopts a distinctive
knowledge paradigm guided by the following 8. Strategic Focus Areas and Enablers
The cultivation of sought-after and highly valued
• The University as an open society of students and graduates depends largely on the pursuit of
employees committed to generating knowledge excellence in the University’s core academic
that has a liberating effect on our world. missions. Nelson Mandela University seeks to offer
• Application of ethical knowledge to advance social holistic curricular and co-curricular living and learning
justice, the public good and a sustainable future experiences that create an enabling, inclusive, and
for our planet and all its inhabitants. supportive environment for students to succeed
• Freedom of expression and thought in speech, in life and work. To this end, our core academic
writing and all art forms. missions are not pursued as independent silos but