Page 40 - Transformation Indaba Report
P. 40
We don’t have a product yet that making the shift in our emerging out of internationalisation opportunities as
internationalisation pattern visible in terms of those leaders in their field within the university. How do we make
research partnerships and publications that have emanated sure that the involvement of university in influencing fund-
from the partnerships. and I think that’s encouraging imple- ing criteria for example? It’s probably happening but not
mentation of internationalisation activities for capacity coordinated well for us to push towards the direction that
building at different faculties. An example: shifts in patterns our strategy wants.
of scholarly work that have been produced over the past ten
years should be celebrated but it’s not visible in university What are the benefits of these inter-institutional partner-
platforms and these are the things that have been hap- ships that we’ve had over a long time, so that we can draw
pening over a long period of time. But we do see people case studies from it, to enable transformation? (T Mgwebi)
Issue of the disconnection between the research that we including our Mandela University is moving very much to-
are doing vis-a-vis the learning and teaching. In terms of wards trans- and inter- but our L&T is a bit slow. We do
transformation there’s a big lack for example, if you look at have a bit of footprint but it’s individual academics and that
our research programs, especially in our Faculty of Science is reflected mainly by our A- and B-rated researchers.
where we have these multi- and transdisciplinary projects. Maybe a strategy would be to try and boost those? To try
We can easily give a student a project that requires a bit of and improve? The impression that I got at least in the last
engineering, and bit of this-and-that, and chemistry and then two years is the University is trying through the postdoc
expect the student to immediately swim in that. They are initiative, more funding push. I’ve seen more postdocs in my
not prepared from undergraduate or high school level for department, and that will surely boost our output and even
that type of research. I think most universities worldwide, individual growth you as academics. (Percy)
We are implementing systems too late for the student. System needs to start at UG level. This has been recognised, hence
Sustainable Institute. The premise of the SI is more on systems approach. Need a starting point of a cohort of progs that are
system-analysis oriented so students can benefit, early on. Enhancing the nexus between Engagement, Teaching, and
Research. (T Mgwebi)
Funding – we are working with SRAC on a specific internationalisation resource mobilisation strategy which could be a
big game-changer, that could increase visibility in other spaces. (Beata)
Driver of internationalisation agenda: could we perhaps use tech and digitization better than in the past? We are now better
connected across continent and beyond. We wouldn’t need funding for global travel and so forth. Sector is financially
stretched. (Edgar)
NelsoN MaNdela UNiversity • traNsforMatioN iNdaba • 2022 34